Standards, guidelines and rules

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The Code of Conduct sets out the standards of behaviour expected from elected members in the exercise of their duties.

It applies to elected members in their dealings with:

  • each other
  • the Chief Executive Officer
  • all staff employed by the Chief Executive Officer on behalf of the Council
  • the media
  • the general public.

The Environmental Engineering Standards set out the minimum acceptable levels for engineering design and construction that must be met by any development project.

Engineering Standards 2022

The Engineering Standards 2022 were adopted by Council on 24 March 2022 and came into effect on 27 June 2022.

This document sets out the standards required by for both private and vested assets and can be used as means of compliance for development within the Whangārei District.  

Engineering Standards 2022(PDF, 9MB) - Full document (without drawing sheets)

If you would like to be sent a CAD version of the Engineering Standards 2022 please contact us.

Chapter 1: General(PDF, 936KB)

Chapter 2: Site development suitability (geotechnical and natural hazards)(PDF, 548KB)

Chapter 3: Transportation(PDF, 1MB)

Chapter 4: Stormwater and Drainage(PDF, 1MB)

Chapter 5: Wastewater(PDF, 1MB)

Chapter 6: Water Supply and Reticulation(PDF, 692KB)

Chapter 7: Public Spaces and Landscape Works(PDF, 644KB)

Chapter 8: Electricity, Telecommunications and Gas(PDF, 349KB)

Appendices(PDF, 4MB)

Drawing Sheets(PDF, 6MB)

Environmental Engineering Standards Procedures Manual 2010

This manual is intended to act as a 'how-to' guide for the Environmental Engineering Standards and provide examples of various activities.

In conjunction with this manual, we have adopted a policy on the use of subsoil drainage for land development.

A Quality Assurance / Quality Control Manual for Vested Assets is available and should be used by relevant professionals where infrastructure intended to be vested to Council is being constructed.

Road Assessment and Maintenance (RAMM) data forms are to be completed by professionals where new roads are intended to vest to the Council indicating what roading assets have been constructed.

Environmental Engineering Standards Procedure Manual 2010(PDF, 2MB)

Quality Assurance / Quality Control Manual for Vested Assets(PDF, 634KB)

Road Assessment and Maintenance (RAMM) Data Collection Form(PDF, 547KB)

Environmental Engineering Standards 2007

The 2007 document applies to all Resource Consents which were applied for between 1 June 2007 and 30 June 2010 and no further amendments will be made to it.

Section 1 - 8(PDF, 1MB)

Appendix A: Drawings(PDF, 2MB)

Appendix B: Asset Information Schedule Requirements(PDF, 137KB)

Appendix C: Intensity Duration Curves(PDF, 79KB)

Environmental Engineering Standards 1998

The 1998 document applies to all Resource Consents which were applied for between 1998 and 31 May 2007 and no further amendments will be made to it.

Sections 1-9: Requirements(PDF, 292KB)

Drawings(PDF, 1MB)

Related information

New Zealand Transport Agency provides a Road Assessment and Maintenance Management (RAMM) manual which contains methods for measuring the condition of each road element that can be used to assess routine maintenance and rehabilitation needs.

Road Assessment and Maintenance Management Manual (


All operators should follow our Code of Conduct for Fitness Training when using our parks. 

You only need approval to run fitness training or bootcamps in parks if:

  • you are using equipment that digs into the ground, such as flags
  • your group is larger than 15.

If you want to use this sort of equipment or run a larger class, you need to complete an application form.

You can also contact us to talk about locations that are or aren't appropriate to run fitness training or bootcamps. 

This document provides a guide to everyone involved in the management and design of public lighting installations owned by the Road Controlling Authorities (RCA's) in the Northland Region.  Its application will ensure consistent standards are maintained.

Public lighting is there to provide a safe environment for pedestrians and vehicles and to discourage illegal acts. At the same time, care must be taken to minimise spill light onto neighbouring properties and upward light (sky glow).

Northland Transportation Alliance Street Lighting Design Manual(PDF, 939KB) 

A Street Lighting Column Specification(PDF, 222KB)

Lighting Designer Forms

C LED Roadway Lighting – LED Approved Luminaire List (AT-LALL)(PDF, 130KB)
D LED Amenity Lighting – Amenity Luminaire Approved List (AT-ALAL)(PDF, 61KB)
E Roadway Lighting – Lighting Column Approved List (AT-LCAL)(PDF, 549KB)

V and P Category Calculator Tools for Road Classification


Standard drawings

H Electrical Cable Specification(PDF, 631KB)

Installation Checklists

You can download the manual and appendices in a zip format below.

Northland Transportation Alliance Street Lighting Design Manual and appendices(ZIP, 4MB)

The urban design guidelines aim to improve the quality of residential and commercial development in Whangārei.

The guidelines are intended to assist developers, landowners, Council staff and the wider community toward quality design. They aim to encourage developers and designers to look beyond the minimum standards and consent requirements of the District Plan and engineering standards to explore opportunities that will create a better quality urban environment.

They also provide a set of outcomes and best-practice urban design guidelines and illustrate their application.

Living roofs, walls and facades are becoming increasingly common in cities throughout the world.

The purpose of this guide is to highlight the multitude of economic, social and environmental benefits that these living systems can provide to Whangārei.

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