Rates database

You can use the database to search for valuation and rating information about a specific property. This information does not include details of arrears, remissions or postponed rates.

Search for a property in our rates database 

This rating information should not be used to calculate rates for properties being sold.

Please note: We rate only those properties that are in our database as at 30 June. If there is a change to any property during the rating year (i.e. subdivision), this will only appear the following rating year.


Search the property revaluations map

Opteon are contracted by us to conduct general revaluations every three years. The latest valuations are dated as at 1 July 2024.   

The 2024-2025 rates are calculated using the values at 1 July 2021.

Information about the 2024 general revaluation, the market trends, rating valuation and how to lodge an objection to the rating values can be found here: 

Property valuations

Lodging a valuation objection

When you receive a valuation notice, if you don’t agree with the value of your property, you can object to it in writing. Our preferred method is online as this makes it easier and more efficient.  

An objection must be lodged by the day indicated on the valuation notice. This is normally 30 working days for general revaluation and 20 working days for other valuation changes.

Find out more and lodge an objection:

Lodge a property valuation objection

Rating information database objection

Any ratepayer may object to the information contained in the database, on one or more grounds. Get more information and lodge an objection here:

Rating information database objection

If you see information that is incorrect, out of date or omitted, you can contact us to have a correction or update made.

Rates owing and owner information

The information displayed for each property is taken from our rating information database (RID) and rates record.

There is some information that we do not display in the results such as the owner of the property and any rates owing.

If you are the property owner or other authorised person, you can obtain this information by making an online enquiry or calling us.

Enquire online

Phone: 09 430 4200

Rates settlement

If you are a solicitor or an agent and require rates information for a property settlement, please fill in our online form:

Request rates settlement

Northland Regional Rates

Information about the Northland Regional Council (NRC) rates for Whangārei District ratepayers can be found on their website.

NRC Rates Information (nrc.govt.nz)

LINZ rating valuation rules

For information regarding the rating valuation rules, visit the Land Information New Zealand website.

LINZ Rating Valuation Rules (linz.govt.nz)