Saving water

Photo of an outdoor water tap.

The average New Zealand family uses between 250-300 litres of water per person per day. Most of this is through showers, baths, washing clothes and watering the garden.

Use our tips to help save water - they will also help you save money. 

Smart water saving tips

In the home

  • Wait until you have a full load before you turn on the dishwasher or washing machine, or, use the half-load setting if you have one.
  • When buying a new washing machine, look for the AAA Water Conservation rating.
  • Turn the water off while brushing your teeth or soaping your hands.
  • Run a shallower bath, or have a quick shower instead.
  • Capture "greywater" in a bucket when you are showering and doing dishes and use it to water your garden or to flush a toilet.
  • If your toilet has a dual-flush button, use the half flush and think twice about whether you really need to flush. Use a cistern weight or a brick within the toilet cistern to reduce water when flushing.
  • Keep a jug of drinking water in the fridge and keep it topped up. Running the tap to cool water can waste 10 litres a minute.
  • Let the car go dusty – show what a conscientious water conserver you are. When you do wash it, use a bucket on your lawn rather than a hose in the driveway.
  • Deal with dripping taps and leaking pipes as quickly as possible.
  • Turn the water off at the mains when you go on holiday.
  • Share these tips with your visitors.

In the garden

  • Use buckets or watering cans not the hose.
  • Water plants during the cooler parts of the day.
  • Use washing up or vegetable water on the plants.
  • Use mulch to help retain moisture and keep out thirsty weeds.
  • Grow plants that flourish in dry conditions.
  • Give your garden a good soak every few days rather than a quick drink every night. The roots will go deeper into the soil to seek out moisture.

Where does the water go on a daily basis?

In the kitchen

  • cooking, drinking and hand washing - 25 litres per person.
  • dishwasher - up to 35 litres per wash.

In the bathroom

  • bathing - 80 litres per person.
  • showers - 30 litres per person.
  • toilet - 3-9 litres per flush (dual flush).

In the laundry

  • automatic washing machine - 49-100 litres per wash (depending on efficiency of machine).

Around the house

  • dripping tap - can waste up to 3640 litres per year (thats more than a bath-full each week).

In the garden

  • a hose or garden sprinkler - can use between 1000 and 2000 litres per hour

Is your water bill higher than it should be? Find out how to check for water leaks.