Raumanga Scenic Reserve playground
- Project typePlayground
- Project value$1.1 million
- Project scheduleAugust 2024 to December 2024
- Contractor nameRobinsons
- Completion Date20 December 2024
We've completed building a new playground at Raumanga Scenic Reserve featuring slides, climbing frames, balance challenges and an accessible seesaw.
The playground also has a basketball half-court.
Community involvement key to project
Before designing the playground, we asked the community what they would like to see in the new playground. Here is a summary of community feedback:
Raumanga Valley Reserve - Online feedback summary(PDF, 196KB)
Raumanga Valley Reserve - School survey summary(PDF, 626KB)
After listening to the local community, we designed for new toilets, a drinking fountain and a brand new playground for diverse age groups, easily accessible from Raumanga Valley Road.
The upgrade included:
- widening the shared path through the reserve
- building a natural play area within the playground
- a new courtesy crossing on Raumanga Valley Road (upgrading the existing speed bump)
- new park furniture
- stormwater infrastructure
- planting and replacement of the timber bollards.
Raumanga Scenic Reserve, 156 Raumanga Valley Road, Raumanga 0110 View Map
-35.739177880177394, 174.29710939816982
Raumanga Scenic Reserve, 156 Raumanga Valley Road ,
Raumanga 0110
Raumanga Scenic Reserve, 156 Raumanga Valley Road ,
Raumanga 0110
Raumanga Scenic Reserve playground