Rubbish and recycling collection

Weekly rubbish and recycling by the Council.

Please have your rubbish and recycling items at the kerbside before 7:30am on the day of collection.

If you don't live on a rubbish collection route, please take your rubbish bags and recycling to the nearest intersection with a collection route, or to your nearest rubbish and recycling station.

If your bags are not collected, please report your missed collection to us. 

You can also use our recycling and disposal guide to help with the reuse, recycling and safe disposal options for everyday products and household items.

Find your collection day

You can view your collection day on our colour-coded Rubbish and Recycling Collection Days map. The map also shows the locations of the rubbish stations. 

Rubbish and Recycling Collection Days GIS map

Bags, bins and recycling

  • Remember to wrap any sharp objects before putting them in your rubbish.
  • Please double-bag tissues or other potentially hazardous items.
  • Plastic bottles need to be rinsed, squashed flat (if possible) and lids removed before you put them in your red recycling bin.
  • If you have more items than can fit into a standard recycling bin or rubbish bag, please keep the excess until the next week's collection or take it to a rubbish and recycling station. 

A to Z recycling and disposal guide