Whangarei District Council and Northland Regional Council have jointly received an application from Onoke Heights Limited for resource consent.
Description of application
The proposal seeks for a 93 residential allotment subdivision of a property at Dip Road, Whangārei.
WDC Ref: SL2100055
The application to the Whangarei District Council is for a combined subdivision and land use application:
- 93 lot subdivision, with road and drainage and recreation reserve to vest, inclusive of construction and earthworks.
- Land use consent for retaining walls to be constructed within road and side boundary setbacks in the General Residential Zone.
NRC Ref: APP.043305.01.01
The application to the Northland Regional Council is for consents to undertake approximately 134,349m3 (52,799m3 cut and 81,550m3 fill) of earthworks over an area of 6.8ha and the associated diversion and discharge of stormwater from the earthworks activities.
You can view the Northland Regional Council application and details on their website.
Northland Regional Council - Onoke Heights Limited (nrc.govt.nz)
Submissions closed at 4.30pm on Friday 8 September 2023.
This joint public notification of application for resource consent is given pursuant to Section 95A of the Resource Management Act 1991.
A meeting of the Hearings Commissioner was held in the Manaia Room, at Te Iwitahi, 9 Rust Avenue, Whangārei at 9.00am on Tuesday 14 November and Wednesday 15 November 2023.
Indicative Speaking Schedule for Onoke Heights Joint Hearing Nov 2023(PDF, 93KB)