Notification of decision on Plan Change 1 – Natural Hazards
Published on 04 December 2024
Whangarei District Council gives notice that it has made its decision on the provisions and matters raised in submissions on the following plan change:
Plan Change 1 – Natural Hazards
Plan Change 1 introduces new provisions relating to natural hazards to the District Plan, including new hazard maps and rules for land use, development, and subdivision in hazard susceptible areas.
The decision on the plan change is available for viewing here:
Plan Change 1: Natural Hazards
It is also available for printing upon request at Whangarei District Council Service Centres:
Te Iwitahi
9 Rust Avenue, Whangārei
Hours: Monday to Friday – 8:00am to 4:30pm
Closed public holidays
Ruakākā service centre
9 Takutai Place, Ruakākā
Hours: Monday to Friday – 8:30am to 4:00pm
Closed public holidays
It is also available for printing upon request at Whangārei Central Library, Rust Avenue, Whangārei.
Please contact Council’s District Plan Department if you have any questions about the plan change.
Those parties entitled to lodge appeals to the Environment Court must lodge their appeals within 30 working days of receipt of the decision.
This notice is given pursuant to Clause 10 of the First Schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991.