We can either issue or refuse to issue a Certificate of Acceptance.
When issuing a Certificate of Acceptance, we will note on the certificate what parts of the structure and which building code clauses it is “reasonably satisfied” comply with the New Zealand Building Code.
The work that cannot be verified as complying will be "excluded".
Issuing a Certificate of Acceptance for unauthorised building works does not limit us from taking further enforcement action.
If compliance with the building code cannot be verified, then a certificate will not be issued.
In these cases, it is likely that we will issue notice against the building/structure. This notice may advise the owner to apply for building consent to rectify a dangerous or insanitary situation or possibly to demolish or remove the building.
If you disagree or want to challenge the decisions made by us in this respect, you can apply for a determination from the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment on the decision. They will consider the case and issue their decision - which is binding on all parties. Further information can be found on their website.
Determinations (building.govt.nz)