There are two types of variations - minor and major (usually called an amendment).
As the building project get underway, some changes may need to be made. This may be due to design changes or material availability changes. Depending on the nature, severity or impact of the change there are a number of options to consider.
Minor variations
If the impact is minor then it can be dealt with as a minor variation by one of our building officers. This may be on site during an inspection or by contacting the duty building officer. Examples of minor variations would include relocating a window or minor bracing changes. No new consent documents are required to be issued for minor variations but a record of changes will need to be kept/detailed.
No charge is made for this service.
For further information on minor variations, follow the link below to the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE).
Minor variations (Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment website)
Note: If the change is more than a minor variation, then an amendment application will need to be made.
Major variations or amendments
If the impact of the change is significant, you will need to apply for an amendment to the building consent.
Applications must be made on the appropriate application form/via the consent portal depending on how the original application/consent was processed and be accompanied by amended plans and specifications showing the item/s that have been changed. This may mean that work will have to stop work pending issue of the new plans. A "block" on inspections may be applied in some cases.
Assessment of an amendment follows a similar path to a normal building consent.
A planning check will be undertaken to ensure that the project continues to meet the requirements of the District Plan and an assessment of code requirements will be undertaken.
The "20 day Assessment clock" applies and this may be suspended if further information is required and new documents will be issued.
Examples of significant changes could include changes of internal layouts affecting structural components/considerations, cladding changes, changes in building footprints or heights.
A charge is made for processing formal applications for amendments. The deposit fee will be calculated when the application is submitted. As with other applications, further fees may be charged after assessment.
If the impact is greater than could be considered as an amendment then you will need to apply for a new consent. Examples of such changes may include changes to the envelope of the building or adding new buildings to the consent. In such situations we will also need to review the inspection procedures for the project.
Major variations (Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment website)