Ruakākā Developments Limited

  • Council RefsLU2000057
  • ProposalTo develop and operate a service centre at 2533 State Highway 1, Ruakākā, with refuelling facilities for vehicle and trucks, food and beverage outlets, a convenience store, a rest area for drivers, a playground and amenity space.
  • CategoryLand Use
  • Applicant nameRuakākā Developments Limited
  • StatusUnder Appeal
  • DecisionRefused
  • Decision date06 August 2024

2533 State Highway 1, Ruakākā 0171  View Map

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Whangarei District Council has received an application for resource consent.

Description of application

The proposal is for the development and operation of a service centre, which will provide refuelling facilities for vehicle and trucks, food and beverage outlets, a convenience store, a rest area for drivers, a playground and amenity space. 

The following properties form the subject site:

  • Lot 2 DP 310034 (2533 State Highway One (SH1))
  • Part Lot 1 DP 185432 (Port Marsden Highway)
  • Part Lot 3 DP 183432 (Port Marsden Highway) 
  • Part Lot 2 DP 185432 (Port Marsden Highway)
  • Part Lot 4 DP 185432 (Port Marsden Highway)

As detailed in Section 3.2 of the application report, the proposed service centre consists of four key activities and associated services, being:

  1. Vehicle / truck refuelling
  2. Food, beverage and associated retail activities
  3. Long-stay and short-stay rest area including public toilets, picnic areas
  4. Manager accommodation (2 x residential units each with a single carpark)
  5. All associated visitor carparking
  6. Associated infrastructure. 

Overall, the proposal is assessed as a Discretionary Activity. 


Submissions closed on 23 August 2021.

This notice is given pursuant to Section 95A of the Resource Management Act 1991. 

Rob Forlong
24 July 2021

Public hearing

A public hearing was held at 10:00am on Wednesday 12 June and 9:00am on Thursday 13 June 2024 in the Manaia Room, Te Iwitahi, 9 Rust Avenue, Whangārei.

Ruakākā Development Hearing Day 1 (

Ruakākā Development Hearing Day 2 (

Resource Consent Application and Assessment of Environment Effects(PDF, 3MB)

Attachment A1 - Titles and instruments(PDF, 7MB)

Attachment A2 - Summary of instruments(PDF, 132KB)

Attachment B - Architectural Plans(PDF, 13MB)

Attachment C - Landscape Plans(PDF, 11MB)

Attachment D1 - Infrastructure Report - Access Option 1(PDF, 27MB)

Attachment D3 - Engineering s92 letter(PDF, 2MB)

Attachment D3 - New Zealand Fire Service Checklist(PDF, 507KB)

Attachment D3 - Swale and Raingarden calculation(PDF, 420KB)

Attachment D3 - Updated roading plan(PDF, 854KB)

Attachment D3 - Wastewater capacity cals(PDF, 140KB)

Attachment D3 - Wastewater plan update(PDF, 1MB)

Attachment E - Landscape and Visual Effects Assessment(PDF, 3MB)

Attachment E1 - Landscape and Visual Effects Assessment supplement(PDF, 197KB)

Attachment E2- Landscape and Visual Effects Assessment supplement(PDF, 333KB)

Attachment E3 - Landscape and Visual Effects Assessment graphic supplement(PDF, 75MB)

Attachment F - Traffic Impact Assessment(PDF, 5MB)

Attachment F1 - Traffic Impact Assessment attachments(PDF, 13MB)

Attachment G - Noise Assessment(PDF, 1MB)

Attachment G1 - Noise Response Letter by Marshall Day Acoustics(PDF, 484KB)

Attachment H - Lighting Assessment(PDF, 3MB)

Attachment H1 - Lighting Performance s92(PDF, 3MB)

Attachment I - Preliminary Archaeological Assessment(PDF, 5MB)

Attachment J - Economic Analysis(PDF, 4MB)

Attachment K1 - Preliminary Site Investigation(PDF, 13MB)

Attachment K2 - Detailed Site Investigation and Remediation Action Plan(PDF, 11MB)

Attachment L - Ecological Assessment(PDF, 4MB)

Attachment M - Cultural Values Assessment(PDF, 6MB)

Attachment N - Cultural Effects Assessment(PDF, 6MB)

Attachment O - Wastewater Disposal Report(PDF, 805KB)

Attachment P - Geotechnical Investigation Report(PDF, 27MB)

Attachment P1 - Geotech - s92 comments(PDF, 103MB)

Attachment Q - Hazardous Substances Plan(PDF, 2MB)

Post hearing requirements

Ruakākā Service Centre Proposed Conditions(PDF, 626KB)

Plans listed in Condition 1 - Ruakaka Service Centre(PDF, 20MB)

Response to Minute 9 - Ruakaka Developments (25 June 2024)(PDF, 165KB)

Response to Minute 9 - Tattico (25 June 2024)(PDF, 270KB)

Supplementary evidence

Economic Assessment Andrew Drysdale (2 July 2024)(PDF, 834KB)

Economic Viability and Productivity Assessment(PDF, 4MB)

Legal reply submission

RDL Closing Submissions (11 July 2024)(PDF, 5MB)

Annexure A - RDL Proposed Conditions - clean version(PDF, 407KB)

Statements of evidence

Simon Tan - Corporate Statement (28 May 2024)(PDF, 166KB)

Tim Heath - Economics Statement (28 May 2024)(PDF, 2MB)

Ken Ha - Engineering Statement (28 May 2024)(PDF, 325KB)

Anthony Anderson - Petroleum Storage Statement (28 May 2024)(PDF, 361KB)

Julia Wick - Landscape and Visual Statement (28 May 2024)(PDF, 16MB)

Bridget Gilbert - Landscape Peer Review (28 May 2024)(PDF, 284KB)

Todd Langwell - Traffic Statement (28 May 2024)(PDF, 2MB)

Leo Hills - Transport Peer Review (28 May 2024)(PDF, 370KB)

Ian Hanmore - Soils Statement (28 May 2024)(PDF, 426KB)

Andrew Williams and Emily Osborne - GHG Emissions Statement (28 May 2024)(PDF, 2MB)

Mary Hamilton - Noise Statement (28 May 2024)(PDF, 324KB)

Paul Fletcher - Geotechnical Statement (28 May 2024)(PDF, 235KB)

Treff Barnett - Ecology Statement (28 May 2024)(PDF, 431KB)

David Thornton - Architecture and Masterplanning Statement (28 May 2024)(PDF, 494KB)

David O'Reilly - Contamination Statement (28 May 2024)(PDF, 187KB)

Mark Vinall and Ross Cooper - Planning Statement (28 May 2024)(PDF, 14MB)

Draft conditions

Whangarei District Council Draft Conditions Post Hearing (4 July 2024) - clean(PDF, 376KB)

Whangarei District Council Draft Conditions Post Hearing (4 July 2024) - annotated(PDF, 432KB)

Annexure A - list of application documents(PDF, 166KB)

Drawings and Plans listed in Annexure A(PDF, 19MB)

Annexure B - Line of Sight Covenant(PDF, 201KB)

Annexure C - Concept for the Full Upgrade of the SH1 - SH15 Roundabout Intersection(PDF, 187KB)

Speaking schedules for Hearing

Day 1 speaking schedule - Wednesday 12 June 2024(PDF, 80KB)

Day 2 speaking schedule - Thursday 13 June 2024(PDF, 81KB)

Summary statements

Summary statement: Mark Vinall and Ross Cooper - 12 June 2024(PDF, 3MB)

Summary statement: Todd Langwell - 12 June 2024(PDF, 346KB)

Summary statement: Bridget Gilbert - 12 June 2024(PDF, 167KB)

Summary statement: Julia Wick - 12 June 2024(PDF, 159KB)

Summary statement: Simon Tan - 12 June 2024(PDF, 136KB)

Summary statement: Ian Hanmore - 12 June 2024(PDF, 157KB)

Summary statement: Mary Hamilton - 12 June 2024(PDF, 155KB)

Summary statement: Tim Heath - 12 June 2024(PDF, 110KB)

Summary statement: Stephen Scott - 12 June 2024(PDF, 2MB)

Summary statement: Leo Hills - 13 June 2024(PDF, 245KB)

Summary statement: Gregory Blomfield - 13 June 2024(PDF, 383KB)

Legal submissions for Whangarei District Council(PDF, 1MB)

Transport specialist memo for Whangarei District Council(PDF, 518KB)

Rebuttal evidence of Gemma Kean - planning (13 June 2024)(PDF, 104KB)

Rebuttal evidence of Ian Clark - Transport (13 June 2024)(PDF, 90KB)

Additional notes provided by Wes Edwards(PDF, 94KB)