Code Compliance Certificates for older buildings

This is mainly concerned with buildings built between 1992 and 2005, under the "old Act" as decisions about issuing a Code Compliance Certificate were not time bound.

This may also apply or be pertinent to buildings built after 2005 where for whatever reason a Code Compliance Certificate has not been issued.

In all cases, a Building Consent will need to have been issued.

Compliance for Older Buildings

Buildings built after 1992, if they were issued a building consent, ideally should have a Code Compliance Certificate.

Under the "Old Act", these certificates could be issued by either the local authority or by a private certifier.

If your building is five or more years old and it doesn’t have a Code Compliance Certificate, you can still apply. 

Code Compliance Certificate

If you have a building without Code Compliance Certificate, please contact us for an appointment to discuss options with one of our building officers.

Durability Modification

If you are applying for a Code Compliance Certificate on an older building, there are some other considerations to be aware of.

Materials used in construction have minimum performance requirements specified in the building code, in particular NZBC B2, regarding durability – or how long it should last.

For claddings, the non structural outside "covering" of a building, for example, the minimum "durability requirement" is 15 years.

If your building was completed, say, 10 years ago, we will be asking for the durability to be modified under the building code.

This does not affect issue of the Code Compliance Certificate, this simply recognises that materials have already "aged" and that the Certificate will be effectively "back dated" with respect to durability, to a date when the building work was originally completed or to the "substantial completion" date.

Please also note that this modification is sent to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and forms part of the property record.

New Zealand Building Code Clause B2


Sometimes, applications for Code Compliance Certificate will be refused. This may occur if the work is not complete, does not comply with your building consent, or the required documentation has not or cannot be supplied.

A refusal to issue a Code Compliance Certificate does not prevent owners from applying for a Code Compliance Certificate at later date, however, a further or future applications will only be considered if the reasons for the original refusal have been meaningfully addressed.

If you are unhappy with the decision made by the building consent authority, you can request a determination from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment on the decision.

Building Performance - Determinations