A section 224 certificate is approval by us, that all 224 conditions of the subdivision consent have been met. This includes payment of fees, approval of legal documents, and completion of all the physical works.
An application for a section 224 certificate needs to be lodged with us.
This stage of the subdivision can be processed at the same time as the section 223 certificate. If not, it must be lodged with Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) within three years of the date of approval of the section 223 certificate, otherwise the original subdivision consent will lapse.
Prior to applying for your 224 certificate you will need to complete all physical works associated with the subdivision. This will often include:
- engineering works
- earthworks
- provision of power connections
- other works required by conditions of consent, such as landscape planting.
You will need to prepare suitable evidence to show us that all the physical engineering works have been completed in accordance with the approved engineering plans. To do this, you will need to engage a suitably qualified surveyor or engineer to check, test and certify completion of all works.
In addition, you will need to prepare or obtain any other documentation required to meet your section 224 conditions. This may include:
- the preparation of legal documents such as consent notices, covenants, or easement instruments by your lawyer
- confirmation from your landscape architect that all landscaping has been completed in accordance with your approved landscape plan.
You can submit your application and all documentation required to demonstrate your section 224 conditions have been met via email, post or bring it into one of our Customer Service centres.
Email: mailroom@wdc.govt.nz
Whangarei District Council
Private Bag 9023
Te Mai
Whangārei 0143
Te Iwitahi
9 Rust Avenue, Whangārei
Hours: Monday to Friday – 8:00am to 4:30pm
Closed public holidays
Ruakākā service centre
9 Takutai Place, Ruakākā
Hours: Monday to Friday – 8:30am to 4:00pm
Closed public holidays
Service centre at isite
92 Otaika Road, Raumanga
Hours: Monday to Friday – 9:00am to 12:00pm and 12:30pm to 4:30pm
Closed public holidays
We will check your application and confirm all 224 conditions have been satisfied by the documentation you have provided.
If the application is deemed to be incomplete, it will be returned to you with a letter advising of the additional documentation required. You can re-submit the application once you have prepared all required documentation.
Within 10 working days of receiving your complete application, and once we are satisfied that all 224 conditions have been met, we will raise our final invoice.
All outstanding charges must be paid including any development contributions, to allow us to issue the section 224 certificate.
Fees will be charged to cover the actual and reasonable costs of us processing your application.
You can pay the invoice either online, in person or call us with your details. We accept Visa and Mastercard payments via our Contact Centre.
Online: Pay an application fee or invoice
Phone: 09 430 4200
Once payments for invoices have cleared, we will approve the section 224 certification via LandOnline.
We will send you written notice of this process having been completed, along with a copy of the certificate.
Once you receive the written notice and certificate, you will need to engage a solicitor to make an application to Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) for record(s) of title for each of the allotments created by your subdivision.