Investigating options for rating system

We are currently reviewing how rates are calculated to ensure they are still set in the fairest and most equitable way. Currently, we:

  • use land value to calculate the general rates
  • assess the number of units of use (e.g. houses / units) on a rating unit (property) to calculate the Uniform Annual General Charge
  • have three main rating categories (commercial and industrial; residential; and other and rural).

Work is underway to investigate:

  • using a mix of capital value and land value to calculate rates
  • having a set Uniform Annual General Charge regardless of the number of units of use (e.g. houses / units) on a rating unit (property)
  • increasing the number of rating categories by adding retail, industrial, utilities and lifestyle.

Elected members are weighing up these options over coming months. If changes are proposed, we will seek community input through a public consultation process early next year.

These changes will not impact the total amount of rates we collect, instead they will affect how we work out everyone's share.