Monitoring conditions of your resource consent (post approval)

Once your resource consent is granted, it will list any conditions you need to comply with and what we need to monitor while building work is underway.

We carry out monitoring to make sure the environment and community is protected from any effects your activity may cause.

To comply with the conditions of your resource consent, you must: 

  • get any required plans approved before work starts
  • let us know when you intend to start building work or begin earthworks
  • complete the work within the timeframe given on your consent.

As the property owner, you are responsible for complying with the conditions of your consent – even though you may have hired a project manager or builder to run the job on a day-to-day basis.

If the conditions of your resource consent aren't complied with, we may need to take enforcement action to make sure your project doesn't harm the environment.


You will be charged per hour for the time we spend on:

  • site visits (most resource consents will need two or more site inspections)
  • written communication with you or your agent
  • reviewing your conditions.

Our site inspections are charged, in accordance with our Fees and Charges.  

Resource management admin fees and charges

Site inspections

Most site inspections do not require you or your agent to be present, but if you would like to be there you can contact the compliance officer to arrange a time.

If we are doing spot checks, we may not be able to make an appointment with you.

The number of site inspections you'll need will depend on the size of the project and how well you are complying with your conditions.

Additional inspections may be required if:

  • your consent is complex
  • there are significant number of conditions imposed
  • complaints have been received.

After each site inspection, you'll receive an email or a letter outlining:

  • the conditions you are complying with
  • the conditions that still may be outstanding
  • any remedial work you need to do to rectify an issue.

If we are not satisfied you've fixed the problem or it's more severe, we may take enforcement action.

We prefer to encourage compliance through promotion, education, on-site directions and awareness raising.

When necessary, we also take formal enforcement action to address and discourage non-compliance and to direct remediation of the damage. 

Resource consent enforcement

Consent notices

We also monitor consent notices, which are rules imposed on a property when it is subdivided.

Consent notices are registered against the Certificate of Title of a property and contain conditions that must be complied with on an ongoing basis.

To find out if a property has a consent notice, check with the owner, vendor, your lawyer or contact Land Online for a copy of the Certificate of Title for the property. It will show covenants or consent notices registered on the title.

LandOnline (

Consent notice conditions can include: 

  • building platforms and geotechnical requirements
  • protecting natural features such as areas of bush and wetlands
  • prohibiting cats, dogs and mustelids on a property. 

No dogs, cats and mustelids consent notices

This notice prohibits an owner or occupier from keeping a dog, cat or mustelid on their property at all times.

The aim is to manage the adverse effects of subdivision and reduce the disturbance or death of native wildlife such as kiwi, caused by domestic cats, dogs and mustelids.

We take a proactive approach to monitoring properties which have a No Dogs, Cats and Mustelids Consent Notice and will take enforcement measures if needed.