Raumanga Shared Path extension
- Project typeShared path
- Project value$5 million
- Project scheduleStage 1 completed in August 2022. Stage two underway.
The Raumanga Shared Path is being extended towards the central city, ultimately connecting past the new Civic Centre to the Te Kamo Shared Path.
The project is funded through the "shovel-ready" works programme from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and will be built in three stages:
The existing paths between Tarewa intersection and Bernard Street will be upgraded with lighting, CCTV and general improvements to increase amenity and make the path safer.
There will be significant clearing of weeds and revegetation along the Raumanga Stream. This work is part of the Blue Green Network programme. This work will be on the stretch between Otaika Road underpass and Bernard Street bridge.
- Signalised crossings have been built on Central Avenue to provide safe crossing points. The works are being combined with Slow Streets work in the Avenues area that involve the construction of raised platforms, speed humps and some footpath improvements.
Works on Stage 1 (between Lovers Lane and Carruth Park) was completed in August 2022. Work on the next stage is underway.

View the full Raumanga Shared Path extension map in PDF(PDF, 170KB)
Bridges along Raumanga Shared Path
The revamp of the Kauika and Bernard Street bridges are two of several projects along the Raumanga Shared Path that have been funded by Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE) shovel ready funding.
Both bridges have received new, safer sides and handrails. New lighting have been installed by Currie Electrical.
Bernard Street bridge
The Bernard Street bridge has been brought up to cycle way standards by contractors SSP. It now has taller sides that lean outwards at the top, providing a wider space for users.
The burnt ochre-coloured sides feature a design by the late Dr Benjamin Pittman (Te Parawhau) who also designed the look of the underpass at the Tarewa Road intersection.
Kauika Road bridge
At Kauika Road, the work has included widening the bridge to match the width of the shared, path and now has taller sides that lean outwards, with the uprights in the same burnt ochre colour and black rail along the top.
Contractors BDx took care of the structure and handrails, Hauraki and Sons Contracting did the concreting work.
Improving alleyways in Avenues area
Part of Raumanga Shared Path crosses through the alleyways in Avenues area starting from Mander Park all the way to Maunu Road (crossing Third, Second and First Avenue) will be upgraded by local contractors Currie Electrical and Asset Construction Limited.
The Transport Choices programme is contributing $200,000 towards a project starting in mid-February 2024 to improve the alleyways.
The alleyways will see the footpath widened, 13 light poles installed, and existing wayfinding signage linking into the Raumaunga Shared path.