Rates Find out how to pay your rates, instalment dates, Māori freehold land, rebates and remissions, receiving notices by email and search the rates database.
Apply for a property search If you are interested in a property but do not want to apply for a LIM, you can apply for a general property search.
Apply for a LIM Anyone who is considering buying a property is advised to obtain a Land Information Memorandum (LIM). Apply now.
Locate your water, sewer and stormwater pipes Find out how to locate where drinking water, wastewater (sewer) and stormwater pipes are located on your property.
Natural hazards Learn about the different types of natural hazards and find out if natural hazards apply to your property, and how this affects what you can do.
Conservation covenants A conservation covenant protects the natural, cultural, historical and / or significant values of a site.
Trees Find out how to check if a tree or stand of trees is protected, and learn about restrictions around the removal of indigenous vegetation.
Berms Information on property owner and our responsibilities in the maintenance and use of roadsides and verges.
Easements An easement is a right agreed with a landowner to use land for a particular purpose. You also have to apply for an easement if connecting through a reserve.
Fences and driveways Find answers to common property related questions about boundary fences and driveways.
Property maps Search our property maps to find out more about a property including rates, boundaries, land hazards and the location of waste and water pipes.