Stock includes cattle, deer, llamas, alpacas, donkeys, mules, horses, sheep, goats, pigs and any other animal kept in captivity, or farmed, and dependant on humans for their care and sustenance.
There are some specific restrictions in the keeping of stock in urban areas:
- A person must not keep stock in an urban area on premises smaller than 4000 square metres
- Council may issue permits to keep stock in an urban area on premises of 4000 square metres or more
- Council may issue permits to persons to keep stock whose premises change from a rural to an urban environment, due to Whangarei District Plan changes
- Council may prescribe any conditions, including specifying distances from boundaries, maximum number of permissible stock and time limits on permits issued
- Council may by resolution:
- charge a fee for receiving and processing an application and issuing a permit
- prescribe any charges to be paid for the use of a permit
- determine situations when permit fees may be remitted, refunded or waived
- a permit may be cancelled by Council at any time