We understand that getting paid on time is important to you. Here are some recommendations for speeding up the payment process.
Review your invoice
Please check that all line items on the purchase order and invoice match exactly to what was delivered including unit of measure, quantity and unit price.
If there are any discrepancies or changes, contact our staff member before sending your invoice so that the purchase order can be corrected. Any inconsistencies between what was delivered, the purchase order, and the invoice could result in delayed or non-payment.
Invoice requirements
We follow Inland Revenue Department (IRD) best practice which states that a Goods and Services Tax (GST) invoice should contain a minimum of the following information:
- the words ‘Tax Invoice’ in a prominent place
- name and GST Number of the Supplier
- date the invoice was issued
- description of the goods and/or services supplied
- total amount payable
- a statement that GST is included.
Invoices over $1,000 must also contain:
- name and address of the recipient
- quantity of goods supplied (eg. litres, hours, kilograms, etc)
- description of service(s) being rendered.
Your invoice must also:
- include the approved purchase order number. Valid purchase order numbers are seven characters long and start with two letters, followed by five numbers.
- be computer-generated (not hand-written – this includes the purchase order number)
- include the bank account number that the payment is to be made to. This should also be included on all statements.
- include your contact phone number and email address
- be included as a separate attachment to your email. You may include more than one invoice, but each invoice must be a separate attachment.
- be in a PDF format.
These requirements will help ensure your invoice moves through our system without delay.
A copy can be sent via email to your Council contact if requested by them. This should be clearly indicated as a ‘Copy’.
Please contact us if you wish to discuss this further or you have difficulty meeting any of the above invoice requirements.
Phone: 09 430 4200
Email: financehelpdesk@wdc.govt.nz
Where to send your invoice?
Send your invoices to Whangarei District Council, Accounts Payable. Please only send a copy to your Council contact, if requested.
Please only send one copy to Accounts Payable. If you are unsure whether we have received your invoice, please contact us.
Phone: 09 430 4200
Email: financehelpdesk@wdc.govt.nz
When to send your invoice?
You can send invoices to us at any time during the month, however the invoices should reach us by the fifth working day of the month to ensure they can be processed for payment within our prescribed timeframes.
If the purchase order is authorised, we will make an electronic funds transfer directly into your bank account on the 20th of the month following the date on your invoice (or the first business day following the 20th if the 20th is a Saturday, a Sunday or a public holiday).
For example, monthly services provided in January with an invoice dated:
- 31 January and delivered by 5 February will be paid on 20 February.
- 1 February and delivered by 5 February will be paid on 20 March.
For ease of process, we recommend you send invoices to us as soon as they are raised to ensure effective delivery of payment.
Maintaining your details
If you change your bank account information, address, company name or any other information previously provided, please email us so our Accounts Payable team can make the necessary changes.
Requested changes should be sent separately to any invoice.
Email: financehelpdesk@wdc.govt.nz