Stand for Council

Standing for Council


The Local Electoral Act 2001 provides for a nominations process for candidates to stand for election to Council.

Nominations for the Mayor and councillors open on Friday 4 July 2025 and will close at noon on Friday 1 August 2025.

A nomination can be made in two ways:

  • use an official nomination paper for the ward where the candidate is standing for election
  • via a new electronic nomination process through Election Services.

You can drop off completed nomination papers into one of our Customer Services centres or lodge your nomination with the Electoral Officer, by noon on Friday 1 August 2025

Nominations and forms 

Nomination forms will be available on this page from Friday 4 July 2025.

Candidate information

Candidate Handbook 2025

The Candidate Handbook is specific to our local government election and has detailed information to help you during the pre-election period if you choose to stand as a candidate.

This handbook will be available from May 2025.


Ward road lists

Road name lists for Mayor and other wards are provided so candidates know which roads are in the ward they are standing for.

Whangārei District road name list - Mayoral candidates(PDF, 682KB)

Bream Bay ward road name list(PDF, 247KB)

Hikurangi-Coastal ward road name list(PDF, 231KB)

Mangakahia-Maungatapere ward road name list(PDF, 185KB)

Whangārei District Māori ward road name list(PDF, 704KB)

Whangārei Heads ward road name list(PDF, 215KB)

Whangārei Urban ward road name list(PDF, 314KB)

Find your ward for the 2025 local elections

To find out what ward you will be voting in, view the Whangārei District Wards map and search for your address or choose Use current location. 

Whangārei District Wards map

Who can stand for Council

To be eligible to stand for election, a candidate must be:

  • a New Zealand citizen (by birth or citizenship ceremony); and
  • enrolled as a Parliamentary elector (anywhere in New Zealand); and
  • nominated by two electors whose names appear on the electoral roll within the ward where the candidate is standing for election.

It doesn't matter where you live or what qualifications you have – all you need is a desire to serve your community.

Some useful capabilities are:

  • political acumen
  • leadership skills
  • cultural awareness
  • strategic thinking
  • knowledge and understanding of Whangarei District Council and local government
  • communication, relationship building and collaboration skills.

There are a few important notes for candidates for the Whangarei District Council:

  • A candidate can stand for mayor and as a ward councillor, but if elected as mayor, the candidate must take up the mayor position.
  • A candidate may not stand for both the Whangarei District Council and the Northland Regional Council.
  • A candidate may stand for one ward only.
  • A candidate for mayor or councillor (or their spouse) cannot be concerned or interested in contracts worth over $25,000 with the Whangarei District Council.   This restriction may be waived, and it is recommended that advice from Audit New Zealand is sought.

Candidate social media requirements

The following are the social media guidelines for the 2025 election.

Social media can be a useful tool for candidates for campaigning purposes and electioneering. Candidates should however be aware of any council social media guidelines for candidates and should comply with these at all times.

  • Council's social media channels are council resources and must remain politically neutral at all times.
  • Council will promote elections and the importance of voting but will not associate these posts with any candidates.
  • Council social media accounts will not follow any candidates. This may result in your account being unfollowed.
  • Council's social media accounts are not permitted to be used as a communications channel by anyone (candidates or members of the public) for promotion, electioneering or campaigning.  This also applies to all social media accounts owned by Council-controlled organisations.
  • Candidates should not post on Council's social media channels, nor should they comment on, share or otherwise use council social media channels for electioneering.  You may not rate, review, check-in or tag the council's social media channels in your own posts or comments.
  • Council's social media accounts are constantly monitored, and any campaign related or electioneering content, (including posts related to nominations and candidacy), will be removed immediately.
  • Candidates should be aware that election advertising, using any media, including on social media, must identify the true name and contact details of the person under whose authority they have been produced [Section 113, Local Electoral Act 2001].  

    This may be details of the candidate or their agent, and may be included on a profile picture, or within the bio section of a page.  

    For example: 'All content / images contained on this social media page / channel are authorised by [name], [contact details]'.

More information on candidate protocol during the elections period will be available in the Candidate handbook. This handbook will be available from May 2025.

Election signs – The 'how to guide'

If you are a candidate for the 2025 local government elections and want to put election signs up on public land under the control of the Whangarei District Council, be aware that the signs need to comply with some of the rules in our Control of Advertising Signs Bylaw 2014 (the Bylaw) and the Electoral Act 1993. 

The Electoral Act 1993 requires that all electoral advertising must identify the name and physical address of the person under whose authority the advertising has been produced. 

Some public places are Crown land or land administered by the Department of Conservation – if you want to put your election sign up on this kind of public land you must get permission from whoever is in charge of that land. 

The following 'how to guide' puts all the relevant Bylaw clauses into simple rules that you need to follow: 

  • Election signs on public land can be erected for a maximum period of nine weeks prior to polling day (Saturday 15 August to midnight Friday 10 October 2025). 
  • If your sign is in an area zoned as a Residential Zone (previously 'Living Environment') under Council's District Plan, then your sign can measure up to 3m2
  • If your sign is in an area zoned as an Open Space Zone (previously 'Open Space Environment'), then your sign can measure up to 2m2
  • Signs in any other zones of the District Plan can measure up to 6m2.
  • To find out what environment or 'zone' a particular site is, where you are proposing to erect a sign, you should contact the duty planner online via the link below:
    How we can help.

    Alternatively, you can log your enquiry by telephoning our contact centre 09 430 4200. This will ensure that your enquiry is formally logged into our system and attended to promptly by our duty planners.
  • All election signs and their supporting structures such as frames and poles need to be removed the day before polling day (by midnight Friday 10 October 2025). 
  • Your signs must be erected or placed in a way that they do not pose a danger to property or the public. 
  • The locations of your signs must not affect traffic safety, in particular the following: obstructing views on corners, intersections and at traffic signals, distracting road users, including having flashing lights or reflective materials that might affect road user vision.
  • If your sign is on private property, but that property is next to a public space (e.g. a fence or a building that is built on the boundary next to a road), or the sign is on a verandah that overhangs a footpath, then there are specific rules in the Bylaw that you must comply with. See clauses 7 and 8 of the Bylaw for more information. 
  • Election signs are not permitted in Council's sign parks or in the Cameron Street Mall. Sign parks are the following areas:
    • Hatea Drive – north end of the Hatea Drive West carpark  
    • Tarewa Road – on grass berm opposite Caltex petrol station
    • Riverside Drive – corner of Riverside Drive and Memorial Drive
    • Maunu Road – corner of Maunu Road and Porowini Avenue.
  • You can have a vehicle with election advertising on it, but you can't park the vehicle somewhere just to display the sign. 
  • Signs cannot be offensive or discriminatory. 
  • For signs along State Highways or on Council roads that join with State Highways for which the speed limit is more than 70km per hour, you will need to seek permission from the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) to erect signs at such locations and not Council.

Election Signs How to guide (print version)(PDF, 177KB)

Control of Advertising Signs Bylaw

Frequently asked questions

What is the role of the Mayor?

The Mayor leads the Council.

Some of the Mayor's responsibilities include:

  • promoting a vision for the Whangārei District.
  • providing leadership to achieve the vision.
  • leading the development of Council plans, policies and budgets.
  • performing civic duties.
  • Civil Defence responsibilities.
  • presiding at Council meetings and speaking on behalf of Council.
  • monitoring Council performance. 

The Mayor also appoints the deputy Mayor, establishes the committees of Council and appoints the committee chairs.

What is the role of a Councillor?

Councillors are elected to represent their communities for three-year terms. There is no limit on the number of terms they may serve.

Some Councillor responsibilities include:

  • promoting a vision for the Whangārei District.
  • providing leadership to achieve the vision.
  • setting Council plans, policies and budgets.
  • making regulatory decisions.
  • monitoring Council performance. 

Do Elected Members have responsibilities to anyone?

Yes. The Mayor and Councillors are responsible to the local community.

The Minister of Local Government and Auditor-General have a role in ensuring the Council follows the law.

How many Elected Members make up the Council?

Elections are being held for:


  • 13 councillors in total:
  • 11 general ward councillors elected by ward, by electors enrolled on the general roll
  • 2 Māori ward councillors elected by one district-wide ward, by electors enrolled on the Māori roll
  • The Mayor elected at large.


Six wards in total:

  • Five General Wards:
    • Bream Bay General Ward
    • Hikurangi - Coastal General Ward
    • Mangakahia - Maungatapere General Ward
    • Whangārei Heads General Ward
    • Whangārei Urban General Ward
  • One Māori Ward:
  • Whangārei District Māori Ward

Further information about Wards can be found on the following page:

Whangārei District Wards

How much time is involved?

Being an Elected Member is a busy job that involves meetings, events and speaking with community members.

The role of Mayor is considered a full-time job while councillor positions are generally part-time roles. However Elected Members are often required to work outside of normal working hours.

Flexibility and the ability to prioritise and manage time efficiently are essential to the role. You will be required to balance a high volume of reading, paperwork and emails with meetings and public commitments.

Do Elected Members get paid?

Yes. A remuneration pool is set by the Remuneration Authority. The newly elected Council will decide how to apply the remuneration pool. Some expenses are also reimbursed.

Currently, Elected Members are paid the following*:

Office Annual remuneration



Deputy Mayor


Standing Committee Chair (5)


Standing Committee Deputy Chair (3)


Civic Honours Committee Chair


Councillor with no additional responsibilities


Councillor (minimum allowable remuneration)


You can find further information on the Remuneration Authority's website.

Remuneration Authority (

*Note: Committees and Committee Structures are reviewed at the beginning of the term of the new Council.

Does a criminal record affect a person standing as a Council candidate?

No, not for the local government elections.

Do I need to be resident in the area I am standing for?

No, but you must be on the Parliamentary Electoral Roll (anywhere in New Zealand) and be a New Zealand Citizen (by birth or citizenship ceremony).

You will however need to disclose whether you reside in the area you are standing for in your candidate profile statement.

The two people who nominate you must be on the Parliamentary Electoral Roll within the area you are standing for.

Do I need to be on the Māori electoral roll or of Māori descent if I am standing for election in the Māori ward?

No, to be eligible you must be a New Zealand citizen and your name must be on the Parliamentary Electoral Roll (anywhere in New Zealand).

You will need to be nominated by two electors whose names appear on the Māori electoral roll within the area of election for which you are standing.

Equally if you are on the Māori electoral roll, you can stand in a general ward, and will need to be nominated by two electors whose names appear on the general electoral roll within the area of election for which you are standing.

Can I withdraw my nomination as a candidate?

Only if it is withdrawn before the close of nominations - 12 noon, Friday 1 August 2025.

You cannot withdraw voluntarily after nominations have closed.  If you decide to opt out, your name will still appear on the voting document.

If you do change your mind and decide not to run for election after you have been nominated, you can discuss this with the electoral officer who will talk through the issues with you.

However, if you become incapacitated with serious illness or injury and are unlikely to be able to perform the functions and duties if elected to office, an application to withdraw your nomination on those grounds can be made.

Verification from a doctor or lawyer about your situation will be required.

You can discuss this with the electoral officer who will talk through the issues with you.

I'm interested in standing for Council, will it cost me anything?

Yes, each nomination requires a deposit of $200.

This will be refunded once your Electoral Donations and Expenses Return has been received within the allotted timeframe.

How much can I spend on my campaign?

There is a limit on what you can spend on your campaign and it depends on the population of the area you are standing for.

The expenditure limits per ward are as follows:

Ward Population estimate Expenditure limit

Bream Bay General Ward


$14,000 (including GST)

Hikurangi Coastal General Ward


$14,000 (including GST)

Mangakahia-Maungatapere General Ward


$7,000 (including GST)

Whangārei Urban General Ward


$30,000 (including GST)

Whangārei Heads General Ward


$7,000 (including GST)

Whangārei District Māori Ward


$14,000 (including GST)

The Mayor campaigns over the whole Whangārei District (which has a population in the range of 100,000 – 149,999) and has an expenditure limit of $55,000 (including GST).

If you stand for more than one position, the amount you can spend is the highest amount for one position. You cannot add positions together to allow you to spend more than the limit.

Please note that any expenditure made by a candidate for an election campaign is funded by the candidate and is not refundable by the Council to the candidate.

All candidates are required to lodge an Electoral Donations and Expenses Return within 55 days after the day on which the successful candidates are declared.

If a candidate is outside New Zealand on the day the results are declared, the return must be filed within 76 days after election result day.

If a return is not submitted within the required time period, the non-return will be advised to the New Zealand Police for enforcement.

The Return needs to be received before a candidate nomination deposit is refunded.

Can I raise campaign funds from donations, and can I claim expenses?

Yes, you can raise funds and claim expenses from your campaign. You can discuss the legislation relating to donations and expenses with the electoral officer.

When is the campaign period?

Election campaigning can start at any time and continue up to and including election day.

Are there any rules using social media?

Yes. Council's social media pages cannot be used by candidates or members of the public for electioneering or campaigning in the three months before election day.

Council monitors its online sites and will take down any campaign related post.

More information can be found under "Candidates social media requirements" on this page. 

Can I help people vote or collect their voting documents to send in?

No, candidates should not collect voting documents from electors. Each elector should post or deliver their own voting document to the electoral officer.

It is an offence (carrying a fine of up to $5,000 if convicted) to interfere in any way with an elector with the intention of influencing or advising the elector as to how they should vote.

How will I find out if I am elected?

Candidates will be advised by email as soon as possible after the final results are known by Saturday 18 October 2025.

What do I need to do if I want to challenge the results of the election?

Under legislation a candidate can challenge the declaration of results through either a judicial recount or a judicial enquiry.

A candidate will have to provide reasons for the challenge and a deposit of $750 with the application to the Whangārei District Court.