Attending a meeting or hearing

All meetings of Council and its Committees are held in the Council Chambers, Te Iwitahi, 9 Rust Avenue, Whangārei.  For locations of Hearings, please check the table in the Meeting and hearing dates section below.  

Public engagement and participation in council decision making is welcomed and encouraged. The public gallery (Council Chambers) is open to those who wish to attend public meetings. 

Live stream and recorded videos

We recommend members of the public wishing to attend Council meetings, watch the live stream on our YouTube channel.  Some features on YouTube may require you to sign-in.    

YouTube live videos (

YouTube playlist of recorded videos (

Members of the public can't take part in the discussion but do have an opportunity to speak during public forum at the monthly meeting of Council.

Meeting and hearing dates

Council and committees meet on a recurring schedule in 2024:

  • Community Development: Third Thursday of each month – 11:00am
  • Council: Fourth Thursday of each month – 9:00am
  • Council Briefing: Second and fourth Wednesday of each month – 9:00am
  • Council Workshop: Second and fourth Wednesday of each month – 11:00am
  • Finance committee: First Wednesday of each month – 9:00am
  • Infrastructure Committee: Second Thursday of each month – 9:00am
  • Risk and Audit Committee: Quarterly meetings – 11:00am
  • Strategy, Planning and Development Committee: Third Thursday of each month – 9:00am
  • Te Kārearea Strategic Partnership Committee: First Tuesday of each month – 9:00am Council Chambers
  • Te Kārearea Strategic Partnership Hui: Third Wednesday of every second month – 9:00am Marae

To view committee meeting times, please download the full calendar:

Council meeting calendar 2024(PDF, 164KB)

Upcoming Council meetings and hearings 2024

View agendas and minutes

The public is notified of the following meetings of Council and hearings: 

Meeting or hearing Date and Time


Thursday 12 December at 9:00am

Exemptions and Objections Committee

  • Objection to disqualification from dog ownership

Tuesday 17 December at 9:30am

Extraordinary Council Meeting

  • Fluoridation – response from Director-General of Health
  • Northland Emergency Services Trust lease

Wednesday 18 December at 10:00am

The agenda and reports will be available on this website prior to the meeting.

Agendas and minutes

Meeting dates, times and topics may change and meetings may be cancelled or added. Changes are published on this page. For confirmation, please contact us.

Contact us

Speaking at Public Forum

If you wish to speak at public forum, please contact one of our Democracy Advisers, phone 09 430 4200 before making an application.

Download and save a copy of the application to your computer first.

You can then either:

  • print it, fill it and send or deliver it to us; or
  • fill it out on your computer and save it before attaching it to an email to us.

Application form to speak at public forum(PDF, 122KB)

Council workshops

Council holds workshops regularly throughout the year which enable councillors to discuss and debate matters involving complex information in a less structured environment than a formal meeting.

No decisions are made at these workshops and as such the requirements of LGOIMA regarding public notification and access to agendas and minutes do not apply. The public are unable to attend workshops.

Council briefings

Council holds briefings throughout the year to enable councillors to find out more information and seek clarification on specific, often complex, matters. This gives councillors the opportunity to discuss these matters in depth outside of a formal meeting situation to gain greater understanding and clarity.

No decisions are made at these briefings and as such the requirements of LGOIMA regarding public notification and access to programmes and minutes do not apply; however these documents are made available to the public.

The public are able to attend briefings. 

Code of Conduct

The Elected Members' Code of Conduct provides guidelines for the expected standards of behaviour by the mayor and councillors.

Elected Members' Code of Conduct(PDF, 811KB)

Standing orders

Standing orders contain rules for the conduct of the proceedings of local authorities, committees, subcommittees and subordinate decision-making bodies, and local and community boards.

Their purpose is to enable local authorities to exercise their decision-making responsibilities in a transparent, inclusive and lawful manner.

Standing orders(PDF, 868KB)