Māori Wellbeing Fund
The Māori Wellbeing Fund is a $4 million contestable fund to support Māori and community well-being projects or initiatives within Whangārei. It is one of 10 projects to come through from the Better Off Funding, administered by Crown Infrastructure Partners (CIP).
The Better off Funding is an investment by the Crown to support Councils to transition to their post-Three Waters reform roles.
A total $9.48 million has been allocated to Whangarei District Council, and funded projects and activities must be completed no later than 30 June 2027.
The Māori Wellbeing Fund is being administered by Te Huinga. All enquiries and details regarding the application process can be found on their website:
Te Huinga - Funding (tehuinga.org.nz)
Email: mwf@tehuinga.org.nz
You can read more about the Better Off Funding projects by following the link below:
Better Off funding