If you have an On, Off or Club Licence that is nearing its expiry date, you will need to renew it before it expires, if you wish to continue selling alcohol.
On Licence renewal application form(PDF, 324KB)
Off Licence renewal application form(PDF, 324KB)
Club licence
Club Licence renewal application form(PDF, 337KB)
You can submit your application and fee in-person, by post or email. You will need to pay any licence fees before we can process your application.
If submitting by post or email, you will be emailed an invoice which must be paid within 20 working days.
Alcohol fees and charges
Once you have submitted your On, Off or Club licence renewal application, the public need to be notified in two ways:
It takes a minimum of six weeks to process On, Off and Club licence applications.
The application is reviewed and reported on by the Alcohol Harm Reduction Officer at the NZ Police (Whangārei District), Medical Officer of Health at the Northland District Health Board, NZ Fire and Emergency Service (Whangārei District) and one of our Licensing Officers.
If there are any issues or concerns with the application, or it is opposed by a member of the public you will be contacted and advised of a possible public hearing.
If there are no concerns or issues the application is forwarded to the District Licensing Committee to consider.
If your application is granted, we will issue the licence. There are no refunds for declined applications.
Alcohol licence applications and hearings
If unopposed, a renewed licence is issued for three years. It is your responsibility to make sure you renew your licence before it expires and to pay the annual fee.
Email the completed application form to:
Email: mailroom@wdc.govt.nz
An invoice will be emailed to you. You can either pay online, in person or call us with your details. We accept Visa and Mastercard payments via our Contact Centre.
Online: Pay an application fee or invoice
Phone: 09 430 4200
Post your application to:
Whangarei District Council Private Bag 9023 Te Mai Whangārei 0143
You can bring your application into one of our customer services centres where you can pay by cash, eftpos or credit card.
Te Iwitahi 9 Rust Avenue, Whangārei Hours: Monday to Friday – 8:00am to 4:30pm Closed public holidays
Ruakākā service centre 9 Takutai Place, RuakākāHours: Monday to Friday – 8:30am to 4:00pm Closed public holidays
Service centre at isite 92 Otaika Road, RaumangaHours: Monday to Friday – 9:00am to 12:00pm and 12:30pm to 4:30pm Closed public holidays
Use our online forms to report a food, alcohol or health issue.
Report an issue
Use our online form for health and alcohol enquiries.
Enquire online
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