Before construction began on the first part of the project (the pull-in bay), consultation on the whole project (including the parking area) was carried out with a number of individuals and groups.
These included members of the public, the Parua Bay residents group, the Tamaterau Community Hall Committee, Discover Whangarei Heads and Backyard Kiwi, and the three hapū groups connected with the site: Ngāti Pūkenga, Ngāti Kahu o Torongare and Ngāti Tu.
24 June 2019
Tamaterau Community Hall Committee and Discover Whangarei Heads group
5 August 2019
Public meeting at the Tamaterau Hall. Twelve people from the local community attended.
All supported the design (the first design had the main carpark sealed and with kerb and channel edging). The design change from a sealed carpark to a metal carpark was one of the changes made as a result of the consultation process and a request to maintain the character of the current carpark.
Unfortunately an unsealed metal carpark design does not work well a kerb and channel edging, and so bollards were put in their place.
While the bollards along the water-facing edge of the carpark were not in the first design, this decision met a key purpose of the design, to keep vehicles within the carpark area.
September 2019
Communications with Discover Whangarei Heads and Backyard Kiwi with then ward councillor. Focus was on making the location a gateway and installing tourism signage.
Meetings with hapū reps in February, August, September and October 2020. Then ward councillor present and involved.
October 2020
Cultural Impact Assessment preparation started, further consultation with hapū. Completed by March 2021.
Decision made to deliver project into two stages. Stage 1 Layby 2022. Stage 2 Main carpark 2023.