Exploring Bream Bay wastewater upgrade options
Published on 11 December 2024
The initial exploratory phase of the expansion of the wastewater treatment plant and disposal system at Ruakākā is underway to provide capacity for growth in Bream Bay.
Whangarei District Council initiated the procurement process for professional services this week. Over the next couple of months, the community may see increased activity in the area, with council officers and potential service providers out and about, as they build an understanding of the project scope.
The expansion of the wastewater treatment plant is covered by a consent, granted in 2012. However, growth slowed in the years following and Council did not see a need to expand capacity at that time. Upgrades are estimated to be operational by 2030.
“Recent rates of development in the Bream Bay area means that the existing facility must be expanded within the next few years. We need to start the work on the scoping and design phases now,” says Councillor Simon Reid, Chair of the Infrastructure Committee.
“Council is also investigating an interim solution that could potentially allow continuity of growth in the area before 2030.”
The consent allows Council to dispose of the treated wastewater to the ocean. However, alternative disposal options will also be evaluated to meet consent conditions. This will ensure that Council implements the very best and most cost-effective option for the surrounding communities.
The existing system is working well and remains within consented limits at current levels of activity.
The 2024-34 Long Term Plan allocated budget to undertake the project over the next seven years as Council considered preparing for growth to be a priority.