Lot 1 DP 44163 NA26A/257 (located at corner of Millbrook Road and State Highway 1)
Whangarei District Council (WDC) and Northland Regional Council (NRC) have jointly received an application from Vaco Investments (Waipu Project) Ltd for a Land Use and Subdivision Consent for Mixed Use Commercial development.
Description of application
The proposal seeks an initial two lot subdivision followed by a land use application for a mixed use commercial centre in the Rural Production Zone, and then a staged subdivision around the development.
WDC Ref: SL2300006
The application made to Whangarei District Council is for:
- Land use consent to develop a 5.92ha site located at 47 Millbrook Road, Waipū for a mixed use commercial development, inclusive of the following activities:
- Service station
- Food and beverage outlets
- Food retail activities
- Light industrial/commercial activities
The site development includes buildings, earthworks, installation of infrastructure, landscaping, lighting and signage, internal roading, on-site parking and a roundabout access onto State Highway 1.
The site is located in the Rural Production Zone and, the proposal infringes various rules. Overall, the proposal is assessed as a discretionary activity under the Whangārei District Plan (Operative in Part) 2022.
A four (4) stage subdivision of the site located at 47 Millbrook Road, Waipū (described legally as Lot 1 DP 44163), where Stage 1 will create two lots, one of which will contain the 5.92ha site proposed for land use activities under this consent, with the balance lot remaining in rural use.
Subdivisions Stages 2 - 4 will further subdivide the 5.92ha land use development site into smaller lots around the proposed land use activities.
The proposal is a non-complying activity under the Whangārei District Plan (Operative in Part) 2022.
A consent period of 10 years is sought for the land use and subdivision applications.
NRC Ref: APP.044965.01.01
The application made to the Northland Regional Council is for:
- Discharge of treated wastewater to land and associated contaminants (odour) to air as a discretionary activity pursuant to Rule C.6.1.5 of the Proposed Regional Plan for Northland
- Bulk earthworks (approximately 24,800m3 of cut and fill over 5.92ha) and associated stormwater diversion and discharge onto land where it may enter water, which is as a controlled activity pursuant to Rule C.8.3.2 of the Proposed Regional Plan for Northland.
Submissions closed on Monday 5 February 2024.
This joint public notification of applications for resource consent is given pursuant to Section 95A of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Simon Weston
16 December 2023
Public hearing
The public hearing due to be held at 9:00am on Monday 14 October 2024 and Tuesday 15 October 2024 has been vacated as per Hearing Panel Direction 7. Further information to come.
Hearing Panel Direction 7(PDF, 112KB)