Dog classifications


We have the following dog registration classifications. These classifications are used when you register your dog each year.

Standard dog

A dog that has not been certified as desexed.

Desexed dog

A dog that has been certified as desexed by a vet or other desexing organisation.  

Owners wishing to claim a reduced fee for dogs desexed in the last 12 months must produce a certificate from a vet at the time the dog is registered certifying that the dog has been desexed.

If the dog has been registered, the reduced fee won’t apply till the following registration year.

Working dog

A working dog is kept solely or principally for the purposes of herding or driving stock, or kept by a specified agency, as defined by Section 2 of the Dog Control Act 1992.

You must complete a Working Dog Declaration form when you register.

A letter from the specified agency is required to attest to working dog status under that provision.  Specified agency means any dog kept by:

  • Aviation Security Service
  • Department of Conservation
  • Department of Corrections
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
  • Ministry of Defence
  • Ministry of Fisheries
  • New Zealand Customs Service
  • New Zealand Defence Force
  • New Zealand Police
  • Director of Civil Defence Emergency Management.

You can read more about the definition of a working dog below.

Working dog  |  Dog Control Act 1996 (

Disability assist dog

A disability assist dog must be certified by one of the following organisations as being a dog that has been trained, or is being trained, to assist a person with a disability.  

We require a letter from one of the following before this category can be applied to a dog.  Doctor letters are not accepted.  

  • Assistance Dogs New Zealand
  • Hearing Dogs for Deaf People New Zealand
  • K9 Medical Detection New Zealand
  • K9 Search Medical Detection
  • Mobility Assistance Dogs Trust
  • New Zealand Epilepsy Assist Dogs Trust
  • Perfect Partners Assistance Dogs Trust
  • Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind Incorporated.

You must also complete a Disability Assist Dog Declaration form.

The list of organisations is as per schedule 5 of the Dog Control Act 1996.

You can read more about the definition of a disability assist dog and schedule 5 below.

Disability assist dog  |  Dog Control Act 1996 (

Menacing dog

We are required to classify dogs belonging to a certain breed or type as menacing under Section 33C Schedule 4 of the Dog Control Act 1996.  

There are rules that owners must comply with if dogs in your possession have been classified as menacing.

You can read more about menacing dogs below.

Menacing Dogs | Dog Control Act 1996  (

Dangerous dog

There are rules that owners must comply with if dogs in your possession have been classified as dangerous. You will be issued with a notice explaining what these rules are.

You can read more information dangerous dogs below. 

Dangerous Dogs | Dog Control Act 1996 (