There are a number of cemeteries in the Whangārei District managed by cemetery boards.
The information below is correct to the best of our knowledge. For any corrections or additions please contact us.
Hūkerenui South Cemetery is located on Domain Road, Hūkerenui.
Contact: Suzanne Janes Dodds, RD 2, Hikurangi.
Phone: 09 433 9722 or 027 491 8223
Kaurihohore Cemetery is located on Apotu Road, Kauri.
Contact: Julie Gregson or Ollie Bigelow.
Phone: 021 0874 3327
Mangapai Cemetery is located on Knagg Road, Springfield.
Contact: Mr Kevin McConnell, Mangapai Road, RD 8, Whangārei .
Phone: 09 432 2120
Mangapai South Cemetery is located on Kukunui Road, Springfield.
Contact: Mr Murray Whittle, Whittle Road, RD 8, Whangārei .
Phone: 09 432 2866
Marua Cemetery is located on the corner of Doidge and Marua Roads, Marua.
Contact: Mr Gordon Brown, RD 1, Hikurangi.
Phone: 09 433 8310
Maungakaramea Cemetery is located on Snooks Road, Maungakaramea.
Contact: Kelvin Attwood
Phone: 09 432 2029
Otonga Cemetery is located on Whananaki North Road, approximately 800m from the turn off with State Highway 1. Access is through private property.
Contact: Felice Croft
Phone: 09 435 5040
Chairman: Pete Roughton
Phone: 09 433 6081
Parua Bay Cemetery is located on Parua Cemetery Road, off Whangārei Heads Road, Parua Bay.
Contact: Claire Pearson, Ody Road, RD 4, Whangārei 0174
Phone: 09 434 0571
Purua Cemetery is located on Puketitoi Road, Purua.
Contact: Mr N J (Jock) Finlayson, 233/55 Pipīwai Road, RD 6, Whangārei 0176
Phone: 09 433 5648
Waikiekie Cemetery is located on Taipuha Road, Waikiekie.
Contact: Ann Gailey, Nevile Road, Waiotira 0193
Phone: 021 0844 8615
Waipū Cemetery is located at 1 Hamon Road, Waipū.
Contact: Angus McCulloch, 900 Cove Road, Waipū
Phone: 027 493 1774
Whareora Cemetery is located on Parahaki Parish Road, Whareora.
Contact: Roger Easterbrook, 260 Harris Road, R.D. 5, Whangārei
Phone: 09 437 5946
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