The designs for this project were reviewed by the community earlier this year and the common feedback themes and changes we are making as a result are summarised below:
- requests to make the speed limit consistent – i.e. all 40km/h as 30km/h is too slow (especially during winter months).
The speed limits in this area were recently reviewed following our speed limit review process. You can find out more about this process here:
Speed limit reviews
- requesting treatment of the 40km/h zone as well – people speed as much in this zone as the 30km/h zone.
We will be painting the road to show speed zone changes. These will be very obvious, red painted markings spanning the road, that show the speed change, and is best practice where significant changes in speed zones occur.
The locations of the proposed raised platforms and these painted road markings have been spread out as evenly as possible across the speed zones.
- requests to shift the platform locations, not have them at all and to be mindful of the design of them.
In line with the comments we received, a platform has been installed further north of St Annes Road, between the 40km/h and 30km/h zones, the central platform has been relocated to align with the St Annes walkway opposite the dairy and the southern platform will be a zebra crossing on a raised platform outside the Cove Café which will connect across the carpark to the beach access.
The setting of speed limits rules require us to undertake further measures if set speed limits are not being adhered to. Recent surveys show that 90% of motorists through this corridor are not keeping to the speed limits. The raised platforms are an important tool for slowing the speed of cars so removing them is not an option.
- requests for safe and suitable parking.
On-road parking will be formalised with yellow lines and parking spaces clearly marked. Road widths have been taken into consideration to make sure that traffic flow is not impeded by parked cars.
- consideration for the boat ramp, boat parking and its access.
We are working with the Waipū Cove Reserve Board who manage the beach-side carpark on behalf of the Department of Conservation. The direction of access to the carpark and parking will be altered, however the boat ramp access and boat parking will be retained.
- requests for speed cameras, electronic speed signs (like school zone ones) and better monitoring of speed through the zone by police.
The choice to use speed cameras and where they are positioned is made by Waka Kotahi.
- requests for other footpath improvements; especially around the dairy.
Parking in front of the dairy will be marked with lines. This may also involve other treatments which have not been confirmed yet. A footpath will be installed to connect the existing footpaths either side. The footpath between the dairy and beach-side carpark will be widened and some kerbs will be altered to improve safety.