Poroti trunkmain renewal

  • Project typeRenewal
  • Project value$937,000
  • Project scheduleMarch to June 2025
A map showing the section of the trunkmain being replaced, which runs from the treatment plant towards Otaika Valley Road, across several private properties.

We are replacing a section of a trunkmain, which connects our freshwater catchment in Poroti to our Ruddles water treatment plant before branching off in several directions towards town. 

The section of the trunkmain being replaced runs from the treatment plant towards Otaika Valley Road, across several private properties (see the map above).

This area has experienced a number of slips in recent years, causing leaks in the existing concrete-lined steel pipe, which we have been repairing as needed. 

As the existing pipeline was installed in a slope, there is a significant likelihood that slips will cause further damage to the pipe, so we will be replacing this section using a PE crack-resistant pipe, which is more durable and flexible. 

During construction, there may be some temporary disruptions to water supply, particularly when connecting the new pipeline. Our contractor will be in touch directly with anyone expected to be impacted. 


366 Cemetery Road, Maunu 0179  View Map

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