Mair Street to Rurumoki Street new stormwater pipeline

  • Project typeImprovement work
  • Project scheduleMid-2025 to late 2025
A map showing Mair Street, Hatea Drive and Rurumoki Street.

This project aims to reduce flooding on Mair Street and neighbouring private properties. 

A new concrete stormwater line will be installed from Mair Street, along the west side of Hatea Drive, then down the north side of Rurumoki Street.

This will be a larger pipeline (between 750mm and 875mm internal diameter), which will increase the capacity of the network to convey stormwater. New catchpits at Mair Street will also be installed. 

While work is carried out on Rurumoki Street, we will take the opportunity to renew the watermain. The existing watermain on the north side was installed in 1939 and requires replacement.  

We expect the completion of this project will prevent surface flooding during regular rain events (any events smaller than a five-year reoccurring rain event), but surface flooding of the roads is still expected during large rain events, as the stormwater network is designed with capacity for one in five-year events.

Roads play a key role in stormwater systems, conveying stormwater runoff to catchpits. 

Traffic disruptions

Road users can expect temporary traffic management on Mair Street, Hatea Drive and Rurumoki Street at various stages of construction.

Some residents’ driveways will be blocked during the day for one or two days, while contractors install the new assets. Our contractors will discuss access options with affected residents directly.  

There will also be times when no parking is available for Mair Park on Rurumoki Street, however pedestrian access and resident access will be maintained throughout.  


Mair Street, Whangārei 0112  View Map

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