Enrol to vote

Enrolling to vote


If you’re eligible and are voting in an election for the first time, you must enrol to vote.

Enrolment forms are available at all post shops or you can enrol using the following methods:

Get ready to enrol to vote information is also available in various accessible formats on the Electoral Commissions website, as per the following links.

When you enrol, your name, address and occupation are listed on the electoral roll.

If you believe that having your details recorded on the printed electoral roll could threaten your personal safety, or that of your family, you can apply with the Electoral Commission to go on the confidential unpublished roll. 

How to go on the unpublished roll (vote.nz)

If you have previously registered to vote in a general election, you are automatically enrolled to vote in a local election in the area where you live.

You can check or update your enrolment details contacting the Electoral Commission or checking your enrolment details on their website.


Māori and general rolls

Whangārei District currently has a District-wide Māori ward.

If you’re of Māori descent, you can choose between the Māori roll and the general roll when you first enrol to vote. You can only vote for candidates in the ward you’re enrolled in (Māori or general).

If you choose the general roll, you’ll vote for candidates in a general ward in a Local Election. If you choose the Māori roll, you’ll vote for candidates in a Māori ward in a Local Election.

If you are of Māori descent and have previously registered to vote in a general electorate, you are enrolled on the general roll. 

Whangārei District Wards

Māori Electoral Option

The Māori Electoral Option is a chance for all enrolled voters of Māori descent to choose which electoral roll to be on – the general roll or the Māori roll.

If you’re Māori, you can change your roll type at any time, except:

  • in the three months before a general election
  • in the three months before local elections, which are held every three years
  • before a parliamentary by-election if the change would move you into the electorate where the by-election is being held.

Resident and ratepayer rolls 

For local elections, there are two electoral rolls, a resident roll for resident electors and a ratepayer roll for ratepayer electors. 

Resident roll

Your voting papers will be sent to the address where you were living at the last general election in 2023. If your address has changed since the last general election, you can update your details with the Electoral Commission.

Enrol or update your details (vote.nz)

Ratepayer roll

If you live outside the Whangārei District but you pay rates on a property in the Whangārei District, you may be eligible to be enrolled on the ratepayer roll.

You can check your eligibility to be on the ratepayer roll here:

Ratepayer elector enrolment (ratepayer.co.nz)

Enrol on the ratepayer roll

If you are eligible, you can enrol as a non-resident ratepayer by completing the form below and returning it to the Electoral Officer. 

Step 1:  Download the form, save it to your computer and fill it in.  Please remember to save again once you have filled it in.

Ratepayer enrolment form(PDF, 205KB)

Step 2:  Return the Ratepayer Enrolment form to:

The Electoral Officer
Whangarei District Council
PO Box 5135
Wellesley Street
Auckland 1141 

For more information on the ratepayer roll, eligibility or to make changes to the roll, please view the flyer below or contact the Electoral Officer:

Ratepayer roll flyer – enrol now(PDF, 77KB)

Phone: 09 973 5212

Email: info@electionservices.co.nz