MetService has issued a weather warning for Whangārei District to last until 2:00pm today, Tuesday 21 January 2025. Check here for storm road closure information.
We have obligations and commitments to Māori through legislation, and through a formal partnership agreement.
Council is committed to its partnership with Māori to enable genuine participation in decision making. In Whangārei, Te Kārearea Strategic Partnership Forum was formed late in 2012 between Te Huinga (which advocates for the hapū of Whangārei) and Whangarei District Council.
A Strategic Relationship Agreement developed in 2014 forms the basis for discussions between the partners, and its principles guide how we work together. In September 2020, a Standing Committee of Council was established to further strengthen Māori participation in decision making.
Te Kārearea Standing Committee
Agendas and minutes
Agreements and arrangements
Council has entered into the following agreements / arrangements with hapū and iwi:
Patuharakeke Iwi Trust Board – Mana Whakahono a Rohe Agreement 2020
An integral part of our work is to engage with the Māori community to build positive relationships between Council, iwi and hapū.
An integral part of our work is to engage with the Māori community and to build positive relationships between Council, iwi and hapū.
Mark Scott Phone: 09 430 4200Email:
Guidelines for Iwi Hapu Environment Management Plans(PDF, 92KB)
Ngati Hine Iwi Environmental Management Plan 2008(PDF, 4MB)
Iwi Management Plan Te Iwi o Ngatiwai Iwi Environmental Policy Document 2007(PDF, 3MB)
Ngati Hau Hapu Environment Management Plan 2016(PDF, 3MB)
Patuharakeke Hapu Environmental Management Plan 2014(PDF, 2MB)
Version 2 Te Uriroroi Hapu Environmental Management Plan and Whatitiri Hapu Environmental Plan(PDF, 4MB)
Northern suburbs asked to save water
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