Whangārei Complete Streets Masterplan and Streetscape Design Manual
The Whangārei Complete Streets Masterplan is a 30-year vision for the revitalisation of public spaces and streets within the central city.
It details the projects that Council can carry out to achieve the vision outlined in the award-winning City Core Plan.
It’s all about revitalising the city core to create a welcoming city centre with quality public spaces for people to enjoy shopping, eating out, working and living – for our visitors and locals.
The Masterplan outlines plans for 19 streets within the city core.
Streets are categorised according to their use, and a design palette is laid out for the materials of each street and footpath including things like paving, tree planting and street furniture. It means the city core will have a cohesive look and feel as development continues over the years to come.
Having a Masterplan means we can prioritise our spending and also provide certainty for business owners about what investment Council is making in the city.
The plan was developed working alongside local hapū representatives and businesses and includes projects that have a strong cultural and community focus. Roading engineers have also provided traffic modelling identifying the impact on any changes to the roading network.