Resource management administrative fees and charges

Image of a building site for RMA fees page.

Our fees and charges for the 2024 / 2025 financial year are provided below.

All fees are stated as GST inclusive (unless otherwise stated).

We reserve the right to review any fees and charges at any time. Please check with us for any updates.

All fees and charges are DEPOSITS unless otherwise stated.

You will be charged a final processing fee when Council has reached a decision on your application. Interim billing may also occur.  

The processing charge covers tasks such as site visits, report preparation, information searches and input from other Council staff. Mileage is also charged.

Applications under the Resource Management Act


Non-notified or Limited Notified Resource Consent applications (Land Use and / or Subdivision)

Non-notified or Limited Notified Notices of Requirement for designations and alterations to existing designations under Sections 168, 168A, and 181


Applications for Certificates of Compliance under Section 139 / 139A


Non-notified or Limited Notified Change or Cancellation of Consent Condition(s) under Section 127

Extension of time under Section 125

Review of Consent Condition(s) under Section 128

Vary or cancel a consent notice under Section 221(3)


Outline Plan s176A


Certification that Subdivision complies with District Plan under Section 226

Cancellation of covenant against transfer of allotment and Cancellation of Amalgamation of allotments under Sections 240(4) and 241

Grant, Surrender, Transfer, Vary or Cancel Easements under Section 243

Applications under section 100 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012

Applications under sections 327A (Cancellation of Building Line Restriction) and 348 (Creation of right-of-way easement) of the Local Government Act

Applications under sections 94 and 114 (Conservation Covenants) of the Reserves Act

Applications under the First Schedule of the Overseas Investment Regulations 1995


Application for Boundary Activity under section 87B

$750.00 (set fee)

Application for Marginal or Temporary Activity under section 87BB

$750.00 (set fee)

Approval of Survey Plan under Section 223

Completion Certificate for subdivision under Section 224

Surrender of Consent under Section 138

Outline Plan Waiver s176A (2) (c)

Monitoring of NES permitted activities

Actual and reasonable costs

Applications requiring public notification under the Resource Management Act


Note: Where a determination is made requiring notification of an application where $2,500.00 advance fees have already been paid, Council will require an additional $8,000.00 advance fee to be paid before public notification proceeds.


Pre-application meetings with Council staff


Pre-application meetings with Council staff:

Applicants can request to meet relevant Council staff to discuss potential resource consent matters prior to preparing and lodging an application, in accordance with Councils pre-application meetings process.

One pre-application meeting free of charge*.

All meetings requested thereafter (including preparation and follow-up) will be charged at actual and reasonable costs

* This includes all meeting preparation, staff attendance, and any follow-up actions undertaken by Council staff as a result of the first meeting. It does not include the cost of any technical assessments required by third parties acting on behalf of Council (i.e. use of consultants).

Rejection of application


Rejection of applications with the information Requirements of Schedule 4.

Council will charge actual and reasonable costs at the relevant hourly rate in the event that any application lodged is required to be rejected because it does not comply with the information requirements of Schedule 4.

Actual and reasonable costs

Hours over the above deposits


Hours over the above deposit, plus mileage, and disbursements (which may also involve work by other specialist planning, parks and engineering staff), will be charged at a rate specified in Council's Professional Fee Schedule.

Consultants will be on-charged at actual costs.

See Council Professional Fees

Potential contaminants site search

Potential contaminants site search (file review only) - residential (allowance of two (2) hours only) $384.00
Potential contaminants site search (file review only) - commercial (allowance of three (3) hours only) $575.00

Hearings required for any resource consent or other permission

  • Cost of third party / hearings commissioners will be charged at actual cost.
  • All staff will be charged at the rate specified in Council's Professional Fee Schedule and Consultants will be on-charged at actual cost.
  • Miscellaneous charges will be charged at the rate specified in Council’s Professional Fee Schedule and Consultants will be charged at actual cost.
  • All costs will be itemised.


All figures are standard fees inclusive of GST; the final fee in any one application will be determined by the Resource Consents Manager or his / her appointee.

Council reserves the right to interim invoice applications where significant costs have been incurred over a period of one month or more without progress on the application.