Food Premises fees and charges

Image of a restaurant for Food Premises fees page.

Our fees and charges for the 2024 / 2025 financial year are provided below.

All fees are stated as GST inclusive (unless otherwise stated).

We reserve the right to review any fees and charges at any time. Please check with us for any updates.

Fees for functions under the Food Act 2014


Food control plan (registration) Amount
Application for new registration of food control plan (fee includes up to 2.75 hours of processing time, supply of thermometer and printed food safety plan) $528.00 fixed fee
Fee for additional time for processing the application $191.00 per hour
Registration renewal fixed fee $373.00
Thermometer $34.00
Additional food control plan document pack $31.00 per pack
National programmes (registration) Amount
Application for new registration of model issued by MPI of a business subject to a national programme (up to 2.75 hours processing time) $528.00 fixed fee
Fee for additional time in processing the application $191.00 per hour
Registration renewal fixed fee   $373.00
Thermometer $34.00
Additional national programme document pack $31.00 per pack
Amendment to registration Amount
Significant amendment to registered food control plan based on a template or model issued by MPI or an amendment to the registration of a business subject to a national programme $191.00 per hour
Fee for additional time in processing the application $191.00 per hour


Food control plan (verification) Amount
Verification including site visits and compliance checks with food control plans (includes up to 3.5 hours of processing and travelling time) $671.00 fixed fee
Where a verification results in the issue of a Corrective Action Request (CAR), that requires a return visit, then this follow up visit to check remedial actions and every additional visit is subject to additional compliance and monitoring fees $191.00 per hour
Failure to attend scheduled verification $191.00 per hour
Fee for additional time of verification activity $191.00 per hour
Unscheduled verification $191.00 per hour
National programme (verification) Amount
A fixed fee for up to 2.5 hours of verification activity for national programmes $480.00
Where a verification results in the issue of a Corrective Action Request (CAR), that requires a return visit, then this follow up visit to check remedial actions and every additional visit is subject to additional compliance and monitoring fees $191.00 per hour
Failure to attend scheduled verification $191.00 per hour
Fee for additional time of verification activity $191.00 per hour
Unscheduled verification hourly rate $191.00 per hour

Compliance and monitoring

Application for review of issue of improvement notice $191.00 per hour
Second and subsequent return to business to check on compliance with Corrective Action Request (CAR) $191.00 per hour
Complaint driven investigation resulting in issue of improvement notice by food safety officer $191.00 per hour
Monitoring of food safety suitability $191.00 per hour

Fees and charges under the Food Businesses Grading Bylaw 2016

 Re-grading of premises Amount
Regrading of premises under the Food Businesses Grading Bylaw 2016 $216.00 per hour