
Whangarei District Council bylaws are local laws made by Council that apply only in our District. They are made to keep our place safe, healthy and attractive.

Bylaws are enforceable by Council staff or other nominated agencies. 

You can use our online forms to make a bylaw enquiry or to:

  • report a general bylaw issue
  • suggest a change to bylaws
  • suggest a beach to be included into the prohibited areas for the Control of Vehicles on Beaches bylaw.

Report an issue

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This bylaw's purpose is to reduce alcohol-related crime and disorder by prohibiting the possession and consumption of alcohol in certain public places. 

Alcohol bans are in place in central Whangārei and in other neighbourhood centres, as well as at most popular beaches in the District.

The alcohol bans are mapped in the Register of Alcohol Ban Areas below. They can also be viewed in our online map here:

Bylaws GIS Map

The bylaw is made under section 147 of the Local Government Act 2002. 

The purpose of this bylaw is to ensure that advertising signs are erected, maintained, and displayed in a way that does not present a hazard or danger to public safety.

The bylaw should be read in conjunction with the District Plan rules on signs.  

Supplementary to this bylaw, we have created a how to guide about temporary political signage for the 2025 Local Election.

This bylaw is about the public places in the District that Council owns or manages.  It is in place to:

  • protect the public from nuisance
  • support public health and safety and
  • minimise the potential for offensive behaviour.

It includes restrictions on horses in public places.

The bylaw also controls any trading and event activities in public places in the District, including in the central business district and the Town Basin.

Council adopted an amendment to clause 19 of the Public Places Bylaw in relation to ‘Structures and Living Accommodation in Public Places’. The amendment came into force on 26 February 2021. 

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In most cases, Council makes bylaws under the Local Government Act 2002.

Local Government Act 2002