Community issues

Report common community issues, such as graffiti, noise, CCTV, bylaw signage, misuse of public spaces or bylaw breaches.   

Contact us on 0800 932 463 or 09 430 4200 (24 hours a day) if you have an urgent issue.

We will respond to issues reported online outside of our business hours (Monday to Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm) on the next working day.

We try to resolve all issues within 15 working days, though complex queries may take longer to address.

Urgent issues include noise complaints or an ongoing barking dog.


Please use the form below to report any graffiti on public property and we will send our contractor to remove it. 

If your home or business is the subject of graffiti vandalism, please report it to your local Community Constable or to the Whangārei Police on 09 430 4500. If you can, take photographs of the graffiti on your property for the police before you remove it. 

Report graffiti 

For more information about graffiti removal visit the Resene website: 

Dealing with graffiti (

Damage to CCTV cameras

CCTV cameras are located throughout central Whangārei. If you notice any damage to cameras or issues with our CCTV system please let us know.

Report a problem with CCTV Cameras


If anyone is in immediate danger, please call 111.  Illegal behaviour such as intimidation, drinking in public places, or offensive language should be reported to NZ Police.

We want to make sure all streets, parks and public places are safe, clean and accessible for everyone, including vulnerable people in our community.  

Rough sleeping in a public place is legal, but we need to know if things are going wrong.  

Please let us know about: 

  • aggressive, anti-social or unsafe behaviour 
  • health and safety risks for anyone rough sleeping e.g., lack of toilet facilities 
  • tents, rubbish, or other items obstructing the use of public places 
  • any new areas where people are starting to rough sleep.  

If you have any concerns about people’s access to housing, please contact the Ministry of Social Development or Kainga Ora. 

Report a problem with homelessness

Bylaw signage

Bylaw signs in our District are used to present information, provide warnings and ensure public safety.  These signs include:

  • Freedom camping
  • Vehicles on beaches
  • Alcohol ban areas
  • Information for dog owners (e.g. no dogs allowed) 

Report a bylaw signage issue or request a new sign

Road signs

If you come across a road sign that is broken, bent, vandalised, loose, missing or causing a safety hazard, please let us.

Report a damaged or missing road sign 

Walking track signs

Report an issue with a walking track sign

Use of public spaces

You can report an issue or make an enquiry about using public spaces, including

  • buskers
  • hawkers
  • vehicles on beaches
  • rollerblades and skateboards
  • scooters and electronic scooters (excluding Beam scooters)
  • other requests for use of public places.

Report a use of public space issue

Public Places Bylaw

Beam scooters

You can report issues with Beam scooters, such as scooters blocking footpaths or left on roads, directly to Beam.

For the fastest response, please report online so it can be sent directly to the Whangārei Beam staff.

Report an issue online directly to Beam

You can also email or phone Beam.  Please note that depending on call volumes, this may take longer than reporting online.


Freephone:  0800 507 676  (24 hrs, sevens days a week)

Helpline:  09 801 0906

Message:  you can message Beam from within the Beam app.

Breach of bylaws

Bylaws are local laws made by Council that apply only in our District. 

You can report issues with bylaws including:

  • suggest a beach for inclusion of prohibited areas for the vehicles on beaches bylaw
  • suggest changes to other bylaws
  • miscellaneous bylaw issues or enquiries. 

Report a general bylaw issue


Other community issues

Use the link below to report any other community issue you would like us to know about.

Report a community issue


If noise is bothering you, you can call us any time, day or night.

Commercial or industrial noise

Noise from building and construction work can be considered a nuisance.

In New Zealand we have Construction Noise Standards which limits noise levels and times of operation, depending on certain situations. 

Where equipment such as pumps, compressors or other commercial activity disturbs residents, our District Plan stipulates maximum allowed noise levels, depending where and when the noise occurs. 

Our Environmental Health Officers can advise you about what noise regulations apply in your area.  

Report excessive commercial or industrial noise

Residential noise

If you’re being disturbed by noise in your neighbourhood that is occurring now, please call us. 

Phone: 09 430 4200 or Freephone: 0800 932 463

Otherwise, please report it online.

You can also request a review of enforcement for ongoing issues with unresolved residential noise. 

Report excessive residential noise

Airport noise

Airport noise can be a nuisance.

We have established an Airport Noise Management Committee to ensure community noise concerns are heard and addressed.

The Whangārei Airport Noise Management Plan helps the airport authority meet the noise standards set in the Whangārei District Plan.

Whangarei Airport Noise Management Plan

Report airport or helicopter noise

Barking dogs or crowing rooster

If your neighbour's dog is barking and disturbing you, talk to your neighbour if you can. They might not know there's a problem, especially if the dog barks when they're not home. The same applies to crowing roosters.

If you can't talk to your neighbour or if that doesn't help, you can report it to us. 

Report a barking problem

Report a crowing rooster

Noise infringement disputes

To dispute a noise infringement ticket or to request a court hearing, you will need the infringement number.

You can also use the below form to make an enquiry about an infringement payment.

Dispute a noise infringement

For information about a payment you have made or wish to make, follow the link below. 

Make a payment

General noise issue

You can report a general noise issue or make an enquiry about noise.

Report a general noise issue

Can't find what you are looking for?

Make a general online enquiry: 

General enquiry