Alcohol licence applications and hearings

Contested (opposed) and uncontested (unopposed) applications are decided by the District Licensing Committee. The applications include:

  • new or renewed alcohol licences
  • manager's certificates
  • temporary authorities
  • special licences.

Unopposed applications and decisions

If no objection is lodged raising any matter in opposition to the application, the District Licensing Committee Chairperson will consider the application and make the decision.

Monthly unopposed decisions

A monthly summary of all unopposed applications considered for the past six months are listed below:

February 2025

Summary of unopposed applications – February 2025(PDF, 228KB)

January 2025

Summary of unopposed applications – January 2025(PDF, 207KB)

December 2024

Summary of unopposed applications – December 2024(PDF, 227KB)

November 2024

Summary of unopposed applications – November 2024(PDF, 223KB)

October 2024

Summary of unopposed applications – October 2024(PDF, 227KB)

September 2024

Summary of unopposed applications – September 2024(PDF, 238KB)

Opposed applications - hearings, agendas and decisions

All opposed alcohol licensing applications must be heard by the District Licensing Committee at a public hearing.

The District Licensing Committee Chairperson and two appointed District Licensing Committee members hear the application. 

All parties are given an equal opportunity to present their views.

Hearings are usually held at:

Whangarei District Council Chambers
Te Iwitahi
9 Rust Avenue

District Licensing Committee hearings are open to the public, including members of the press. 

On occasion, it may be necessary to exclude the public from some parts of a hearing (for example when the Committee feels the privacy of an individual needs to be protected).

If requested by the applicant at the time of notification of the hearing, evidence may be given in te reo Māori. An interpreter will be made available.

The District Licensing Committee will also consider any reasonable request made by a person to take part remotely in a hearing, or any part of a hearing.

Agendas and decisions (opposed applications)

All District Licensing Committee public hearing agendas and decisions considered for the last six months are listed below.

Tuesday 26 November 2024 at 9:00am

To determine an On Licence application by Punjab to NZ Group Limited (premises: The Butter Factory).

Agenda - Punjab to NZ Group Limited - The Butter Factory(PDF, 135KB)

Decision: New On Licence granted, subject to conditions

Decision - New On Licence - The Butter Factory(PDF, 321KB)

Monday 25 November 2024 at 1:00pm

To determine a Variation of On Licence application by Singh and Negi Enterprises Limited (premises: Waipu Eatery).

Agenda - Singh and Negi Enterprises Limited - Waipu Eatery(PDF, 214KB)

Decision: Variation of On Licence approved, subject to conditions

Decision - Variation of On Licence - Waipu Eatery(PDF, 235KB)

What happens at a hearing

The usual procedure for a District Licensing Committee hearing is as follows:

Step 1: Welcome and introduction

The Chairperson introduces the committee members and briefly outlines the procedure for the hearing. 

The Chairperson also confirms that the committee members don’t have any conflicts of interest and are able to consider the application impartially. 

Step 2: Application and correspondence

The applicant presents his / her case, either personally or through a representative, legal counsel or consultants. They may call witnesses in support of the application. 

The applicant and all witnesses will be required to take either an oath on the Bible or an affirmation.  

Step 3: Submissions

Reporting agencies (Police, Fire Service, Medical Officer of Health and Licensing Inspector etc.) are sworn and then called upon to speak, make their submissions or present evidence. 

Step 4: Objector's statement

Objectors cannot introduce new grounds for objecting, but can present evidence to support their reasons for objecting.

The committee members, chairperson and the reporting agencies can ask questions about the evidence.

Step 5: Applicant's statement / evidence

The applicant or representative has the right to summarise the application and reply to matters raised by objections. 

Committee members may ask further questions at this stage.

Step 6: Closure of hearing

After the hearing is closed, non-members (the applicant, objectors and their representatives) leave the room.

The District Licensing Committee will then deliberate and will release its decision in writing in due course.