From little seeds, mighty things grow
Published on 26 February 2025
Maungatapere Mountain Trust is a community group doing great things for the local environment.
The group has set up a flourishing nursery of native plants that are being used to regenerate the local maunga, and is continuing to service bait stations to target rats and possums.
Trust spokesperson Sara Brill says more than 15 volunteers helped raise the first batch of 1000 seedlings, which were planted out over winter last year on two QE2 covenanted areas of the mountain. A further 2000 seedlings have been grown this summer.
A grant from the Whangārei Communities Fund helped get the nursery project started, and neighbours and a local nursery have also pitched in with seedlings, potting mix, trays and funding. Suitable irrigation has also been installed.
The group has secured potentially ongoing business sponsorship from Hynds, to continue their efforts to regenerate the mountain and surrounding wetland and bush as refuges for birds and wildlife.
“One of our volunteers, Richard Murphy, was able to initiate funding from Hynds for the nursery, pest plant and animal control this year,” says Sara.
“It’s been a real community effort and we are delighted to have funding from Hynds to help carry on with our vision.”
Other education activities run by the Maungatapere Mountain Trust have included a guided walk up the mountain with a local ecologist, helping Maungatapere School pot up plants and learn about the mountain, and assisting Volunteering Northland with two youth engagement activities.
Sara says the group welcomes volunteers to help with the nursery, planting and pest control. “We’re a dedicated, fun group and welcome newcomers.”
Supporting environmental initiatives is one of the key priorities of the Whangārei Communities Fund. It is open for applications year-round. Find out more:
Whangārei Communities Fund