Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw review

Submissions closing on 03 April 2025, 05:00 PM

A photo of blue glass recycling bin next to a red plastics recycling bin.

We want your feedback on our new proposed Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw. We are required to review our bylaws at least every 10 years.  

The purpose of the Bylaw, together with the Waste Minimisation Act 2008, provides the rules for how we deal with rubbish and recycling in the Whangārei District. 

Waste Minimisation Act 2008 (legislation.govt.nz)

This new Bylaw is intended to replace the existing Solid Waste Bylaw, which will expire later this year.  

Solid Waste Management Bylaw 2013

Before making any final decisions, we’d like to know your views, which will help ensure the proposed Bylaw best suits our community’s needs. 

You can read more about the reasons for the proposal and the draft Bylaw in our Statement of Proposal.

Statement of Proposal – Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw(PDF, 659KB)

Give us your feedback

Please give us your feedback by 5:00pm on Thursday 3 April 2025.

By email

Step 1: Download the form, print and complete it by hand.

Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw feedback form(PDF, 85KB)

Step 2: Email us

Attach the form to an email and send to:


By post

Step 1: Download the form, print and complete it by hand.

Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw feedback form(PDF, 85KB)

Step 2: Post the completed form to:

Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw feedback

Whangarei District Council 
Private Bag 9023
Te Mai
Whangārei 0143


In person

Step 1: Download the form, print and complete it by hand.

Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw feedback form(PDF, 85KB)

Step 2: Bring the completed form into one of our Customer Service centres:

Te Iwitahi
9 Rust Avenue, Whangārei
Hours: Monday to Friday – 8:00am to 4:30pm
Closed public holidays

Ruakākā service centre 
9 Takutai Place, Ruakākā
Hours: Monday to Friday – 8:30am to 4:00pm
Closed public holidays

By phone

Call us and one of our friendly Customer Services staff will fill out this survey for you over the phone.

Phone: 0800 932 463 or 09 430 4200

Access copies of the reports and associated decisions of Council that have informed the review so far:

You can submit your feedback by providing a written submission and / or attending the hearing to present your views to Council in person.

A hearing is an opportunity for you to share your views with Council in person. People who want to do this have five minutes to present their views and Councillors can then ask questions to clarify their understanding of the points made by the speaker. No decisions are made at a hearing. 

Please let us know if you want to attend the hearing by ticking the box on the submission form by Thursday 3 April 2025. 

The date for the hearing is currently scheduled for Thursday 10 April 2025. We’ll be in touch to confirm a time with you.

All feedback received will be provided to Council. Staff will also review and analyse the feedback received and provide this analysis to Council.

Council will then deliberate on all the information provided and make a final decision on the proposal.  

If you have provided your email address, we will keep you updated with the review process and final outcomes.

Please ensure that you provide appropriate contact details so that we can respond to you following the conclusion of the process.

All submissions are considered public under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act. Your name and feedback will be available to Elected Members and the public via our reports and website. All other personal details you provide will remain private.

The collection and use of personal information by Whangarei District Council is regulated by the Privacy Act 2020.

Privacy Statement

Your submission will not be returned to you once it is lodged with Council. Please keep a copy for your reference.