Feedback closed at 4:00pm on Friday 31 January 2025.
We wanted to hear your thoughts as we reviewed the following topics in our District Plan:
- ecosystems and indigenous biodiversity
- public access to the coast, rivers and lakes
- renewable energy infrastructure
- network utilities infrastructure including electricity and telecommunications
- events and temporary activities like sporting events, parades, markets and concerts
- development that crosses boundaries with Kaipara and Far North districts
- managing contaminated land
- financial contributions for developments.
What is the District Plan?
The District Plan sets rules for how land can be used, developed, and subdivided, ensuring a balance between environmental, social, cultural, and economic needs.
You can learn more about the current District Plan below.
District Plan
Ecosystems and Indigenous Biodiversity
The District Plan aims to maintain, enhance, and protect ecosystems and indigenous biodiversity, and preserve the natural character of water bodies.
The review will focus on:
- reviewing the current rules for clearing indigenous vegetation
- exploring other ways to encourage the protection of indigenous biodiversity
- reviewing how activities on and near water bodies are managed.
The review will not include mapping or placing controls on Significant Natural Areas (SNAs), as the Government plans to review the national policy on this topic.
For more details check out the Ecosystems and Indigenous Biodiversity Discussion Document below:
Ecosystems and indigenous biodiversity discussion document(PDF, 512KB)
Public Access to the Coast, Rivers, and Lakes
The Riparian and Coastal Margins chapter of the District Plan seeks to provide public access to and along the coast, rivers, and other water bodies where appropriate.
The review aims to streamline and simplify the rules and align them with national standards.
We gathered feedback on this topic in 2022 and will consider both past and new feedback in this review.
Renewable Energy Infrastructure
Currently, the District Plan doesn't have any specific rules for renewable energy projects.
The review aims to create a supportive framework for these projects, while managing any negative impact on communities and the environment.
For more details check out the discussion document below:
Renewable energy infrastructure discussion document(PDF, 384KB)
Network Utilities Infrastructure including electricity and telecommunications
Network Utilities Infrastructure includes infrastructure for:
- telecommunications (like cables and cell towers)
- electricity (power lines and substations)
- gas (pipelines, storage tanks and control stations)
- radio (transmitters and antennas).
The District Plan supports and protects this infrastructure while managing its impact on people and the environment.
The review aims to:
- identify and address any gaps in the current policies and rules
- address if the current rules align with new central government regulations and technological advances.
Events and Temporary Activities
The District Plan manages temporary activities and events on public and private land, such as cultural, community, musical, recreational, and sporting events.
These activities attract people, support the local economy, and build community belonging. However, they can also cause traffic issues and generate noise, visual, and lighting impacts.
The review aims to balance enabling events while managing their negative effects.
For more details check out the discussion document below:
Events and temporary activities discussion document(PDF, 456KB)
Cross Boundary Matters
This chapter sets out processes to achieve integrated resource management across the Region where land use and development and their associated effects may cross boundaries with the Kaipara and Far North Districts.
The review aims to simplify and streamline the chapter.
Contaminated Land
The District Plan includes policies to manage the use or redevelopment of contaminated sites, aiming to protect human health and the environment. The chapter does not contain any rules and instead relies on national regulations.
The review aims to simplify and streamline these policies.
Financial Contributions
Developers may be required to fund the cost of infrastructure for growth through 'financial contributions' charged under the Resource Management Act 1991 or 'development contributions' charged under the Local Government Act 2002.
Both can be charged for a single development but must be charged for different purposes.
We currently only charge 'development contributions' as per our Development Contributions Policy 2024. However, the District Plan still includes a Financial Contributions chapter.
This review will consider if a Financial Contributions Chapter is still needed in the District Plan.
Tell us what you think
We wanted your feedback on these topics at the start of this plan review process to inform the drafting of new and updated rules and policies.
We aim to publish proposed changes to the District Plan in mid-2025 and there will be further opportunities to get involved then.
Feedback closed at 4:00pm on Friday 31 January 2025.
If you have any further comments or feedback in relation to this, please email us.