The Hihiaua Cultural Centre Trust Lease consultation

Submissions closed on 27 November 2023, 05:00 PM

Proposed Stage 2 building viewed from Herekino Street.

Located on the Hihiaua Peninsula in Whangārei, the Hihiaua Cultural Centre is a world-class centre of excellence aiming to preserve, create, display and promote Māori arts and culture.

Stage 1 of the Centre is complete and operating. The vision for Stage 2 includes a unique indoor and outdoor performing arts space, exhibition hall and retail and dining spaces linked by pathways and planting extending partially onto the open space on the peninsula.

To enable Stage 2 of this development and the Hihiaua Cultural Centre Trust to achieve its vision, it is proposed that Council grants a long-term lease of the land.

Map showing proposed lease area on green open space on the Hihiaua peninsula at Town Basin.

It is a legal requirement that a local authority proposing to grant such a lease must consult on the proposal beforehand.

The Hihiaua Cultural Centre Trust Lease consultation - Statement of Proposal(PDF, 465KB)

Submissions closed

Submission closed at 5:00pm on Monday 27 November 2023. 


56-58 Herekino Street, Whangārei 0110  View Map

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