Find out how to request a street number for a new property as well as guidelines for displaying your street number.
Every house has an identifying number assigned to it that displays your home or business address. In rural areas, street addresses may be referred to as Rapid Numbers, Emergency Services Numbers, Rapid Response Numbers or Property Numbers.
Clearly display your street number
Make sure your street number is clearly displayed so it can be quickly found.
- Display your street number clearly so it can be easily found by emergency services, postal delivery services and utility providers like power and water meter readers.
- Make sure numbers are big enough to be seen at a glance.
- Use plain, undecorated font for the numbers.
- Avoid spelling out numbers as words as they are difficult to read quickly.
- Make sure the colour of the numbers contrasts with the background. Brass and bronze numbers can be difficult to see.
- Make sure your street numbers is not obstructed by shrubs, trees or decorations.
- Numbers should be clearly seen when approaching from either side of the house, including in the dark.
- If your house is set back from the street, house numbers should be posted at the end of the driveway at the street, at least 1 metre above the ground.
- For multiple house driveways, each address should be posted at the entrance of the driveway and then again at each individual home.
Request a street number
Number signs can be purchased from local hardware stores or hand painted. Please do not write numbers on with a marker.
Official RAPID numbers for rural properties may be purchased from FAST SIGNZ (154 Lower Dent Street, 09 438 6647).