Severe weather road repairs Find out about the long term road repairs required due to severe weather damage.
State Highway improvements The New Zealand Transport Agency maintains the State Highway network in the Whangārei District.
Roads and footpaths Find out about roads and footpath maintenance in our District and how to request new roading improvements, road markings, sweeping or road sealing.
Roadside maintenance Find out about property owner and Council responsibilities in the maintenance and use of roadsides and verges.
Road names and paper roads Apply for a new road name and find out more about paper roads and the process for getting one removed.
Street numbering Find out how to request a street or road number for a new property as well as guidelines for displaying your street number.
Slow streets Find out how to request traffic calming or traffic safety assets to make a street safer.
Setting speed limits We are responsible for setting speed limits on our local roads that follow national standards and rules, and consider the needs of our community.
Traffic management Find out about Traffic Management Plans, school zones, slow streets, traffic lights and speed limits.
Notification of weight and / or speed limits on bridges View the bridge weight and speed limit restrictions for heavy vehicles.