Resource consents and other approvals overview

If you want to do something that isn’t permitted in our District Plan you will need a resource consent.

Our video provides a basic overview of the Resource Consent process.

We provide two types of resource consents:

  1. Land Use Consent – permission to carry out activities on land within our District that is not permitted under our District Plan rules or National Environmental Standards.
  2. Subdivision Consent – permission to divide a property into two or more new titles.

Some activities such as earthworks or the discharge of stormwater may also require resource consent from the Northland Regional Council.

Northland Regional Council Consents (

Applying for a resource consent or any other planning approval can be complex and we recommend you seek the advice of a planning professional.

Change or cancel a condition on your resource consent

If you need to make a minor change to a resource consent you can apply to us to do so.

Any changes must not fundamentally change the original consent or any associated adverse effects. For example, you need to make a small change to the building design that does not extend the nature of the approved consent.

We recommend you seek the advice of a planning professional to see if your change or cancellation can be approved in this way. Sometimes a new resource consent is needed.

You will need to complete the Change or cancel a condition of a resource consent application form, and provide supporting information as detailed on this form.

Change or cancel a condition of a resource consent application form(PDF, 227KB)

Extend the date of a resource consent

In most cases a resource consent will lapse after 5 years.

You can apply to us to extend your resource consent timeframe. You must do this before your consent lapses.

This is a technical application, so we recommend you get advice from a planning professional before you apply.

You will need to complete the Other planning approvals application form, and provide supporting information as detailed on this form. 

Apply for other planning approvals

Other approvals

Sometimes a resource consent is not required, and another form of planning approval may be needed, or can be applied for to confirm a resource consent is not needed.

Certificate of compliance

If the changes you are making to your property are allowed under the District Plan, you can apply for a certificate of compliance. This provides confirmation that a resource consent is not required. 

You will need to complete the Certificate of Compliance and Existing Use application form and provide all supporting information as detailed on this form.

We will process your application within 20 working days.

Apply for other planning approvals

Existing use certificate

You can apply to us to confirm that your existing use of land is lawful.  You may wish to do so when the rules of the District Plan change during operation of your activity.

For an application to be successful you will need to demonstrate that the:  

  • activity was lawfully established before the rule in the District Plan became operative, or a proposed plan was notified.
  • effects of the use are the same or similar in character, intensity, and scale to those effects which existed before the rule became operative or the proposed plan was notified.
  • use was not discontinued for a period of more than 12 months after the rule in the District Plan became operative or the proposed plan was notified.

To make an application you will need to complete the Certificate of Compliance and Existing Use application form and provide all supporting information as detailed on this form.

We will process your application within 20 working days.  

Apply for other planning approvals

Change or cancel a consent notice

Where a property's record of title includes a consent notice condition that restricts what you can do on your property, you can apply to us for a change or cancellation.

This is a technical application, so we recommend you get advice from a planning professional before you apply.

To make an application complete the Other planning approvals application form and provide all supporting information.

Apply for other planning approvals

Change or cancel an amalgamation condition or covenant

Where your property's record of title includes an amalgamation condition or covenant holding parcels of land together, you can apply to de-amalgamate the parcels of land.

This is a technical application, so we recommend you get advice from a planning professional before you apply.

To make an application complete the Other planning approvals application form and provide all supporting information.

Apply for other planning approvals

Change or cancel an easement condition

Where your property's record of title includes an easement required by us as a condition of a subdivision consent, you can apply for a change or cancellation.

This is a technical application, so we recommend you get advice from a planning professional before you apply.

To make an application complete the Other planning approvals application form and provide all supporting information.

Apply for other planning approvals

Change to a conservation covenant

Where your property has a conservation covenant formed under the Reserves Act 1977, you can apply for a change or cancellation to the terms, conditions, or restrictions of this.

This is a technical application, so we recommend you get advice from a planning professional before you apply.

To make an application complete the Other planning approvals application form and provide all supporting information.

Apply for other planning approvals

Formation of a right of way

If you want to form a private road or private way, or grant or reserve a right over a private way in our District, you must make an application to us. This is a technical application, so we recommend you get advice from a planning professional before you apply.

To make an application complete the Other planning approvals application form and provide all supporting information.

Apply for other planning approvals

Deemed permitted boundary activity

If you are building closer to your boundary then allowed in the District Plan and this is the only rule you are not complying with you may not need a resource consent.

Apply for a deemed permitted boundary activity

Liquor planning certificate

A Liquor Planning Certificate is needed when applying for an on-licence, off-licence, or club liquor licence.

Apply for a Liquor Planning certificate

Acceptance of Papakāinga Development Plan

If you are wanting to develop Papakāinga on whenua Māori. you need to apply to us first.


Building consents

Building works may also require a building consent in addition to any required planning approval.

Building consents