Plan change process

The District Plan is periodically reviewed and updated through a process known as a plan change.

Changes to the plan may be initiated by Council or by individuals.

A proposed plan change must be publicly notified, and there is then the opportunity to make a submission and then a further submission on the proposal.

Plan change process

The change process involves the following broad steps:

Step 1.Plan Change proposal

A public plan change is proposed by us as a part of a District Plan review process. A private plan change is a change to the District Plan proposed by an applicant.

Step 2.Pre-consultation

As a part of the preparation of a plan change we will consult with interested parties, stakeholders, and hapū.

Step 3.Notification

The proposed changes to the District Plan are notified and opened to the public for submissions and further submissions. Only people who are identified as “directly affected” are notified.

Step 4.Recommendations

If submitters wish to be heard, a hearing panel hears the submissions and provides recommendations to the Council.

If no submitters wish to be heard, the recommendations of the reporting planner are provided to Council.

Step 5.Council decision

The Council decides on whether to adopt or reject the recommendations:

  • If Council decides to adopt the recommendations, the decision will be publicly notified unless Council resolves to delay effect.
  • If Council decides to reject the recommendations, the plan change process starts over.

Step 6.Appeals

If submitters are not satisfied with the Council decision, they are able to lodge an appeal with the Environment Court. Environment Court controls the appeal resolution process which involves mediation and court hearings.

Step 7.Plan Changes become operative

Once all appeals have been resolved the plan change chapters become a part of the Operative District Plan.