What is my zone and what rules apply to my property? Find out what property zones, overlays, precincts or other planning restrictions are that are within our District Plan.
How close can I build to my boundary? Find out the setback and height in relation to boundary rules for your property zone.
Can I put another house on my property? Find out if you can build another residential unit or minor residential unit in your property zone without a resource consent.
Do I need to provide car parking? Learn about recent changes to the rules requiring car parking as part of a development.
Does a retaining wall need a resource consent? Find guidance about when a retaining wall needs a resource consent.
Can I remove or trim my trees? Find out how to check if a tree or stand of trees is protected, and learn about restrictions around the removal of indigenous vegetation.
Do I need to consult my neighbour? Guidance about consulting your neighbour prior to making an application for resource consent.
Connect to council infrastructure Find out how to connect to Council wastewater, water and stormwater infrastructure including connecting through or over reserve land.