Fences and driveways

You can find answers to common property related questions about boundary fences and driveways.

Boundary fences

If you are wanting to build a new boundary fence or make changes to an existing fence you should first talk to your neighbour.  

The requirements for boundary fencing are covered under the Fencing Act 1978.  To check what type of fence you can build without a building consent, for example the maximum height fence you can build, follow the link below:

Apply for a Building Consent exemption 

In some residential zones the District Plan sets out design requirements for fences. You will need a resource consent if you are not meeting these. 

You may also need a resource consent to build a fence greater than two metres in height.

How close can I build to my boundary?

District Plan

Apply for a land use consent

Driveways and vehicle crossings

Vehicle access to your property may be shared or held in private ownership.  Where a driveway is shared, this access is often protected by an easement.

An easement will identify who owns the land over which the access is provided, and who has the legal rights to cross that land for access purposes.  If you need to create an easement over land owned by us, then our approval is required.  


A vehicle crossing provides access across the footpath or road berm to your driveway.  Maintenance of the vehicle crossing is the responsibility of the property owner.

All new vehicle crossings need a permit to ensure it is designed and built to the right standard.

Apply for a vehicle crossing permit