
An easement is a right agreed between a landowner and another party to use land for a particular purpose. Easements are commonly used for:

  • drainage and water
  • electricity and telecommunications
  • vehicle access (rights of way).

If your property has an easement, it will usually be registered against your record of title. A copy of your record of title can be obtained through your solicitor or ordered through Land Information New Zealand.

Get a copy of your record of title (linz.govt.nz)

We recommend you seek professional advice from a registered surveyor or your solicitor if you are unsure how easements may affect your property, or you wish to create, surrender, or vary an easement.

Apply to change or cancel an easement

Where the easement was required as a condition of a subdivision, an application to vary or cancel that easement will need to be made to us. 

Resource consents and other planning approvals overview

Apply for other planning approval

For other easements, it may be possible to vary or surrender these by making an application to Land Information New Zealand.

Creating, surrendering, varying and removing easements (linz.govt.nz) 

Apply for an easement through a reserve

If you need to connect infrastructure over a reserve administered by us  you will need to apply for an easement.

Apply for an easement through a reserve