Adopt a dog

Photo of Pound Pooch Baxter, 2022.

Our "pound pooch" dogs are looking for homes! 

Adopting a dog from the pound is a great way to help an animal in need.

Our pound adoptions also have an excellent success-rate because each animal is fully assessed and given some training before it is advertised, to make sure it is suitable for residential homes.

Your checklist:

  • Do you want to adopt?
  • Are you in a position to give the dog the care and attention it needs?
  • Do you have space for the dog to exercise?

You can view dogs up for adoption on the Pound Pooch Whangārei Facebook page.

Pound Pooch Whangārei (

Please contact the Animal Management Centre directly to discuss adoptions. 

The Animal Management Centre and Pound Pooch Facebook page are run by ArmourGuard. 

Expression of interest

Step 1.Find a dog

You can find a dog either by coming into the Animal Management Centre or seeing an ad about our pound pooches.  

Step 2.Complete application

Download the application, print and complete it by hand.

Adopt a dog application form(PDF, 88KB)

Step 3.Bring into us

Bring your completed application into the Animal Management Centre staff.

Address: 26 Radiata Grove, Port Whangārei, Whangārei 0110

Recently adopted dogs

Here are Charlie, Bailey, Maggie-May, Colin, Kobe, Lady, Lunda, Max, Millie, Rain, Dirk, Licorice, Jed, Cooper, Pixie and Suzie!  They have each gone to a loving new home.

Would you like to give a dog a home?  Please contact our Animal Management Centre to discuss.

Photo-collage of Pound Pooch dogs adopted in 2021.